CECC0018E (0x01020012) CECC0018E The target server encountered an unexpected error condition for subscription subscription-name. The error message code is specific-return-code, with the specific return codes (rc1,rc2).


The target server detected an error that affects a specific subscription and reported this error to the source server. The specific-return-code values are those reported (logged) at the target server.

User response

For information about how to resolve the error, refer to the specific-return-code in the product message information. If the problem persists, contact IBM® Software Support.

To locate the documentation for the specific-return-code value, use the guidelines that are described in Searching for a specific-return-code value.

For error message code 690002, issue the TCPIP netstat conn command to verify the status of the CICS® listener.
  • If it is listening on a port that is different than the port defined in the target server configuration, change the value of the CICSPORT configuration parameter.
  • If the listener is not active, start the listener.
  • If the listener is not known to the CICS region, the listener is not installed.
See the z/OS® IP CICS Sockets Guide for instructions on how to install and configure the CICS listener.

For other kinds of errors, there may be additional event messages produced at the target that can assist in problem identification and resolution.