CECA0140I (0x0101008C) CECA0140I The reset latency threshold was achieved SUB=subscription-name SRCSYSID=source-system-id DATASRC=data-source WORKLOAD=workload-name WORKLOADTYPE=workload-type LATENCYSTATE=latency-state RESETTIME=reset-latency-time MEANTIME=averaging-time ABSBOOKMARK=absolute-bookmark LATENCY=latency-time
The subscription subscription-name has
fallen below its reset latency threshold.
- subscription-name
- The subscription name.
- source-system-id
- The source system ID.
- data-source
- The source of the data replicated. The value of IMS indicates the data source is an IMS database. The value of VSAM indicates the data source is a VSAM dataset.
- workload-name
- The GDPS Continuous Availability workload name assigned though a GDPS AA policy.
- workload-type
- The GDPS Continuous Availability workload type. The value of "Active/Standby" indicates the workload is defined by a GDPS AA policy as an Active/Standby workload. The value of "Active/Query" indicates the workload is defined by a GDPS AA policy as an Active/Query workload. The value of "none" indicates the workload is not defined by a GDPS AA policy.
- latency-state
- The latency state of the workload. The value of NORMAL indicates the workload state is normal.
- reset-latency-time
- The value of the reset latency threshold time.
- averaging-time
- The time value used when averaging the apply latency of the subscription.
- absolute-bookmark
- The absolute bookmark of the subscription. The bookmark value indicates the absolute position for which replication is complete.
- latency-time
- The averaged or non-averaged end-to-end apply latency time of the subscription.
User response
See ../../com.ibm.swg.im.iis.imsr.aa.event.doc/topics/iiyitoiaaeventclassattr.html for additional information. No action is required.