Information passed to the exit

The information passed to the SMF exit by the monitor service is the same information that is available to external applications that use the NMI interface to obtain processing metrics.

A description of the information available is described in USERSAMP member CECHNMIM. An equivalent assembler version can be found in SCACMAC member name CECMNM.

The assembler version does not include descriptions of the contents of the information passed to the exit. The assembler version uses the same variable names that are identified in member CECHNMIM; however, all variables are identified as characters to prevent alignment issues.

The macro version also does not include any of the NMI message header of descriptor structures. These have been removed by the monitor service and only pointers to server and source or target metrics structures are passed to the exit.

The AXPLPENV parameter references the CECNMISrvrData_T server structure and the AXPLTEXT parameter references a CECNMISSubData_T or CECNMITSubData_T structure depending on the AXPLESEQ context (source or target).