Activating the exit

The monitor service SMFEXIT configuration parameter identifies the name of the exit to be called and the SMFINTERVAL configuration parameter identifies how often the exit should be called.

The SMFEXIT configuration parameter identifies the name of the exit load module to be called and can be used to pass the exit parameters. The provided sample exit accepts the following parameters after the exit name:
This is a required parameter that defines the SMF user record type. This parameter contains a numeric value between 128 and 255.
This is a required parameter that contains the primary JES subsystem ID. SYSID can be a maximum of four characters.

The SMFINTERVAL configuration parameter accepts a time interval (for example, 30 minutes) that identifies the frequency that the exit is called. The default is zero.

Loading and calling the exit is enabled by supplying an exit name in the monitor service SMFEXIT configuration parameter and a nonzero SMFINTERVAL value when the monitor service is called for initialization processing during server initialization processing. To activate calling the exit requires setting the SMFEXIT and providing a nonzero SMFINTERVAL value by using modify commands or Classic Data Architect and then stopping and starting the server.

Once enabled, you can modify the frequency that the exit is called by modifying the SMFINTERVAL value. The new setting takes effect the next time the monitor service calls the exit to report processing statistics. Setting the SMFINTERVAL to zero, disables calling the exit once the current interval expires.

At each SMFINTERVAL, the exit is called once for each actively replicating subscription. When enabled, the exit is also called each time that a subscription has a state change (for example, starting replication, replicate continuous, ending controlled, inactive), or when an error is detected for a subscription.