Prerequisites and considerations for replicating temporal tables

Before you begin replicating temporal tables, you should ensure that the following prerequisites and considerations are satisfied.


The following prerequisites must be satisfied in order to allow replication of temporal tables:
  • The source datastores must be one of the following versions:
    • CDC Replication Engine for Db2® Database version 10.2 or later
    • CDC Replication Engine for Db2 for z/OS® version 10.2 or later
  • The target datastores must be the following version:
    • CDC Replication Engine for Db2 Database version 10.2 or later
  • Management Console version 10.2 or later.
  • The databases for source datastores must be one of the following versions:
    • DB2® for z/OS version 10.1
    • DB2 LUW version 10.1 FP2
    • DB2 LUW version 10.1 with special build 29578
  • The databases for target datastores must be one of the following versions:
    • DB2 LUW version 10.1 FP2
    • DB2 LUW version 10.1 with special build 29578
  • No other applications should be modifying the temporal tables or the history tables on the target datastore.
  • To replicate to temporal tables as a target, execute permission must be granted to CDC Replication users on a stored procedure:
    db2 grant execute on procedure SYSPROC.SET_MAINT_MODE_RECORD_NO_TEMPORALHISTORY 
    to <cdc user>


The following CDC Replication issues should be taken into consideration before you attempt replicating temporal tables:
  • Temporal tables cannot be created from Management Console. If you wish to replicate to a temporal table, you will need to create the table (and its history table if required) in the target database.
  • Subscriptions that contain temporal tables cannot be downgraded, if you revert to an earlier version of CDC Replication. This includes reverting to an Interim Fix for CDC Replication version 6.5.2 prior to Interim Fix A7.
  • Ensure that you have set the db_system_timezone_override system parameter, so that CDC Replication Engine for Db2 Database and the operating system on which the DB2 database is running have identical time zone settings.

The following CDC Replication issues should be taken into consideration before you attempt replicating temporal tables with the source datastore maintaining the history:

  • When mapping tables, temporal tables will not be available for selection if the chosen mapping types are LiveAudit™ or Adaptive Apply.
  • Critical columns are not supported.
  • Row selection is not supported.
  • Conflict Detection and Resolution is not supported.
  • Differential refresh and Refreshing a Subset of Rows are not supported.
  • Bidirectional replication is supported only if the data is partitioned so that it does not cause conflicts. CDC Replication cannot detect and resolve conflicts in row begin, row end, and transaction start ID columns in temporal tables and conflicts in history tables.