Manual configuration option
With the manual option, the CDC Replication user ID does not need any privileges for installing the external stored procedure. When the instance configuration fails, the error message includes the path to a file that contains the steps that are needed to install the external stored procedure.
These steps can be performed by a combination of user IDs with different privileges. When a new build is installed, a new file with a new set of manual steps is generated. The new set of manual steps must be performed before restarting CDC Replication after an upgrade.
Adding an instance
Start by attempting to create an instance with a user ID that has normal operation privileges. Because this user ID does not have configuration and upgrade privileges, the instance creation fails.
Some of the input fields are not as important with the manual configuration option. Although they do not need to be correct in order to generate the manual configuration instructions, the instructions might be easier to use with appropriate values. The following input fields have special values for the manual configuration option:
- Database Username: A user ID with normal operation privileges.
- Database Metadata Schema: The schema for creating the external stored procedure.
- SSH Port: CDC Replication tries to connect to this port but it is acceptable for the connection to fail.
- WLM Environment: This value is used for CREATE PROCEDURE in the generated instructions.
- Load Library: This value is used for LINK in the generated instructions.
- CEE Prefix: This value is used for LINK in the generated instructions.
- User Prefix: This value is used to create temporary data sets in the generated instructions.
When the configuration tool fails to install the external stored procedure, it provides a deploy.txt file that contains the steps that are needed to manually install the external stored procedure.
The deploy.txt file contains the steps that CDC Replication would otherwise perform to automatically install the external stored procedure. You can use this file as a guide for manual configuration.
- You do not need to follow the steps exactly.
- You can skip the read-only steps that CDC Replication uses for verification.
- You can use a variety of different user IDs with different privileges to perform the steps.
- You can transfer files with your preferred alternative to SFTP, as long as the transfer is binary.
- You can run TSO commands from TSO instead of through SSH.
- You can use different data sets.
- You can ignore the ls /+mode=binary steps if you are using an IBM SFTP server.
- You can use VARY WLM,APPLENV=wlmenvironment,REFRESH instead of WLM_REFRESH.
The intent of the steps is to copy the object modules, link-edit the load module, refresh the WLM environment, and create the stored procedure in Db2. When these steps are complete, you can create or configure the CDC Replication instance and the configuration tool skips the installation of the external stored procedure.
Upgrading an instance
After you upgrade CDC Replication to a new build, the instance tries to upgrade the stored procedure when it is restarted. The instance fails to start and generates a new deploy.txt file with instructions that are specific to the upgraded version. Follow the new steps. Restart the instance when all of the instruction steps are complete.
Editing an instance
You do not need to reinstall the stored procedure as long as the Metadata Schema field remains unchanged, in which case you can edit the instance without any manual configuration. If you change the Metadata Schema value, then the edit fails until the manual configuration is complete.