Installing Access Server (Windows)
About this task
Note: When configuring to any LDAP mode, or configuring from an LDAP mode to non-LDAP mode, a new
installation is required. User credentials and access data cannot be migrated between different
methods of management.
- Double-click on
the installation file.
The IBM® IBM Data Replication Access Server installation wizard opens.
- Click Next.
- Select the folder where you want to install Access Server and click Next.
- Read the license agreement and select I accept the terms in the license agreement and then click Next.
- Select the location for the product icons and click Next.
If you are configuring Access Server to use an LDAP directory, select one of the following
options and click Next. Otherwise click Next.
- Authentication Only
- The LDAP directory is used for authentication only. All user credentials are managed in the LDAP directory and the access data is managed locally on Access Server.
- Full Authentication and Authorization
- All user credentials and access data are managed in the LDAP directory.
- CHCCLP with embedded Access Server
- A CHCCLP-only mode (no Access Server service). CHCCLP uses an embedded Access Server to communicate with the LDAP server. All user credentials and access data are managed in the LDAP directory.
- Specify the port number to communicate with Management Console and click Next.
If LDAP is not enabled, enter the username and password for an Access Server account that will be used to perform the
following actions:
- Log in to Access Server from Management Console.
- Manage users and datastores in Management Console.
If LDAP is enabled, the step is not required.
- Accept the user data folder for Access Server account storage, or click Choose to select a different location.
- If you have a previous installation of Access Server, user
data can be copied from the old location to the new one. Select the Migrate
user data from a previous installation check box to perform
the copy. If your previous installation of Access Server stored
user data in a different location, click Choose to
locate the data folder.
Migrate user data from a previous installation only applies to non-LDAP installations.
- Click Next.
- Review the installation summary and click Install.
- Click Done to exit the installation.