Use this system parameter to determine the time (in seconds) the CDC Replication Engine for Db2® for i waits before sending a keep alive notification over the network.

Versions supportedCDC Replication Engine for Db2 for i version 6.1 and later

During idle periods, the CDC Replication Engine for Db2 for i sends a keep alive notification to keep the connection open.

It is important that you set this system parameter when you have a firewall connection that has been configured to timeout. This prevents the firewall from closing the connection.

To set this system parameter, follow these steps:
  1. Create a data area named DMCOMMS by issuing the following command:


    where library is the CDC Replication product library.

  2. Set the timeout value by issuing the following command:

    CHGDTAARA DTAARA(<library>/DMCOMMS (521 10)) VALUE('<value>')

    where library is the CDC Replication product library and value is a 10-digit number that represents the setting for this system parameter. For example, to set to 1 minute, issue the command as follows:

To prevent the firewall from closing during active data replication, set this parameter to a value that is less than the configured firewall timeout.

Applies to
Source and target datastores
Minimum Setting
Default Setting
300 seconds (5 min)