Use this system parameter to specify how date values should be formatted in Kafka messages.
To enable this parameter, you must set the mirror_write_format parameter to DYNAMIC.
Important: Both this parameter and the date_format parameter can be
set per datastore or per subscription. See dmset - Set a CDC Replication system parameter for details.
- Applies to
- Target datastores
- Values
- Set this parameter to one of the following values:
- AVRO (default)
- Formats DATE column values as the number of days from the UNIX epoch, 1 January 1970 (ISO calendar).
- Formats DATE column values as strings. You can specify the string format by using the date_format datastore parameter. The default value of date_format is yyyy-MM-dd.
- Formats DATE column values as strings by using a hard-coded format of yyyy-MM-dd. Use this setting if you do not need custom formatting; it provides better performance than STRING.