dmflagforrefresh - Flag for Refresh

Use this command to flag a source table for refresh. When you flag a table for refresh, you are selecting the tables that you want to refresh at a future point in time.


dmflagforrefresh [-I <name>] -s <subscription ...> 
-A|-t <schema>.<table> ...  [-L <locale>] [-dl] [-dr] [-dw] 


[-I <name>]
Specifies the name of the CDC Replication instance. Alternatively, you can specify the TSINSTANCE environment variable in place of this value.
-s <subscription ...>
Specifies the name of the subscription.
To specify multiple subscriptions, list the subscriptions separated by a space.
Specifies that CDC Replication flags all source tables for refresh in the subscription.
-t <schema>.<table> ...
Specifies the name of a source table in the subscription that CDC Replication flags for refresh. You must specify the table name in the format schema.table.
To specify multiple tables, list the tables separated by a space.
[-L <locale>]
The name of the locale used for the CDC Replication instance. The default is your machine's locale.
Specifies the level of Differential Refresh.
This option creates and populates a log table to identify all differences between the source and target tables.
Specifies the level of Differential Refresh.
This option performs a Differential Refresh by changing any target rows that differ from the source rows.
Specifies the level of Differential Refresh.
This option performs a Differential Refresh, and also creates a log table to track all changes during the refresh.


This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a non-zero value if the command fails.


dmflagforrefresh -I MYINSTANCE -s FINANCE -A

CDC Replication flags for refresh all source tables in the Finance subscription for the specified instance.