Installing the CDC Replication Engine for Db2® Database using a silent installation (UNIX and Linux)

A silent installation allows you to automatically install the CDC Replication software by specifying a command with various parameters. You can use this type of installation method for large-scale deployments of CDC Replication by embedding the silent installation command in a script.

About this task

CDC Replication moved to a continuous delivery model starting with Version When you install V11.3.3.2 or later, you must update your silent installation response files by following this procedure each time you install a continuous delivery update.

Note the following before you install or upgrade IBM® Data Replication - CDC Replication software on Linux® or UNIX:
  • Do not install or upgrade IBM Data Replication - CDC Replication as a root user.
  • The installation directory requires file system permissions of 700 if you plan to use the same user account to install the product, create and configure instances, or upgrade the product.
  • The installation directory requires file system permissions of 770 if you plan to use different user accounts to install the product, create and configure instances, or upgrade the product.


  1. Log on to the account you set up for IBM Data Replication - CDC Replication.
  2. Copy the CDC Replication installation binary from the IBM Data Replication DVD or download it from the IBM web site.
  3. Make the installation binary executable.
  4. Install CDC Replication and generate a response file with the following command:
    <installation_binary_name> -r <response-file>
    where <response-file> is the full path to the installation response file
  5. On another system, perform the silent installation by running the following command:
    <installation_binary_name> -i silent -f <response-file>
    where <response-file> is the full path to the installation response file.