Microsoft SQL Server - online transaction logs and transaction log backups

When using CDC Replication with a Microsoft SQL Server database, you will require the following:

  • Physical access to the online transaction logs on disk. Multiple online log files are supported if you decide to split your database logs across multiple physical files.
  • Physical access to the transaction log backups on disk. Transaction log backups must not be compressed or encrypted and must not be moved after they are saved. Third party tools for transaction log backups are not supported.
  • Retention of the online transaction logs and transaction log backups for as long as CDC Replication is shut down or latent.

It is beneficial for CDC Replication performance if transaction logs and transaction log backups are kept to a size of 1 GB or less (if data volume permits).

Note: To minimize the impact on your source database, the CDC Replication log reader only performs read-only operations when working with your database logs and will never write directly to these files. This reduces disk contention on your log files and minimizes the impact on your database.