Creating datastore list reports

You can generate a datastore list report in the Access Manager perspective of Management Console.


  1. Ensure that you are a system administrator and have the privileges to manage datastores and user accounts.
  2. Click Access Manager > Datastore Management.
  3. Select an existing datastore or hold Ctrl to select multiple datastores.
  4. Click File > Access Server > Reports > Datastore Report.
  5. Enable one or more of the following:
    Includes a description you specified when you added the datastore.
    Datastore Platform
    Includes the type of database platform on which this datastore resides.
    Date Created
    Includes the date you had created the datastore.
    Date Last Modified
    Includes the date the datastore was last modified.
    User Access
    Includes the users you have assigned to this datastore.
  6. Click OK and then click Save Report if you want to save the report.