Dropping a partition in a DPF source environment
Dropping partitions in a source DPF environment must be coordinated with CDC Replication.
CDC Replication can detect changes to the partition configuration of your source DPF environment when the CDC Replication instance is restarted. CDC Replication requires the following when you drop a partition:
- All changes in your source DPF database must be successfully replicated to the target.
- The CDC Replication instance must not be running when changes are being made to your DPF partition configuration.
- There must be no additional CDC Replication configuration changes during the time CDC Replication is terminated for the DPF partition modification.
Note: You must adhere to the requirements in this topic whenever
you drop a partition in your DPF source environment.
Before you drop a partition from your DPF source environment, CDC Replication requires the following:
- End replication on all subscriptions by using the Scheduled End - Now option which ends replication at the current source system time in the source database log.
- Ensure that all changes in the database logs on a partition have been replicated to the target before the partition is dropped. CDC Replication requires database logs to replicate changes and if the logs are removed when the partition is dropped, CDC Replication will not replicate the changes. Use the dmshowlogdependency command to ensure that CDC Replication does not require any of the database logs on the partition you plan to drop. You can only drop a partition if you have confirmed that there are no dependencies on the database logs on that partition.
- Shut down all CDC Replication instances with the dmshutdown command.
- Use the NOT ROLLFORWARD RECOVERABLE option when issuing the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command in DB2® for LUW to redistribute your data when dropping a partition.