Adding an instance of the CDC Replication Engine for Db2 for z/OS Remote Source (Windows)

Before you can start replication, you must add and configure an instance.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have met all of the prerequisites in Required Db2 and z/OS settings before you add an instance.

About this task

This procedure is written for Windows, but the same procedure applies when you are using a graphical interface on Linux and UNIX except for the Windows-specific service configuration in Step 5.

Note: The CDC Replication Engine for Db2 for z/OS Remote Source offers four configuration options for adding an instance.


  1. If you are configuring the first instance of the CDC Replication Engine for Db2 for z/OS Remote Source as launched at the end of an installation, you can proceed to Step 3.
  2. At the command prompt, launch the configuration tool by issuing the following command in the specified directory:
    \<CDC Replication installation directory>\bin\dmconfigurets.exe
  3. Follow one of these steps depending on whether this is the first instance that you have added:
    • If this is the first instance, you are presented with a welcome message. After this step you will be taken to Step 4. Click OK to continue.
    • If at least one instance already exists, a window opens that contains a list of instances. Click Add... to add a new instance of the CDC Replication Engine for Db2 for z/OS Remote Source.
  4. On the IBM Data Replication New Instance window, you can configure the following options in the Instance Configuration area:
    Option Description
    Name Enter a name for your CDC Replication instance. This name must be unique.
    Server Port Enter the port number that CDC Replication uses for communication with client workstations that run Management Console and other servers. The CDC Replication Engine for Db2 for z/OS Remote Source displays a default port of 11801. Press Enter. This port number cannot be used by other applications that are installed on the same server. You will use this port number when you specify access parameters for your datastore in the Access Manager perspective in Management Console.
    Staging Store Disk Quota (GB) Enter the maximum amount of disk space to be used by the CDC Replication staging store on your source system. The default value is 100 GB.
    Maximum Memory Allowed (MB) Enter the amount of physically available RAM that you want to allocate for this instance of CDC Replication. By default, the configuration tool allocates 1024 MB of RAM for each instance.

    Note: You should only use values other than the defaults or allocate more RAM than is physically available on your server after considering the effects on product performance.

    Encryption profile Select the encryption profile from the list. If you would like to enable TLS for communication between source and target, you must select an encryption profile with encryption enabled. Click Manage to view and manage the available encryption profiles. Encryption profiles can be shared between multiple instances of CDC Replication.
  5. On Windows platforms, in the Windows Service area you can specify the account that will be used to start CDC Replication services. Select one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Local System account Start the CDC Replication services through the local system administrator account.
    This account Start CDC Replication services through the specified user account.

    The account must be specified in the format <domain>\<user name>, where <domain> is the name of a domain in your environment, and <user name> is a valid login user name in the specified domain. If your computer is not part of a domain, you can specify <computer name>\<user name>.

    In the Password and Confirm Password boxes, enter the password currently associated with the selected Windows user account. If you change the password for the Windows user account after installing CDC Replication, you will have to use the Windows Services dialog to change the password currently set for each CDC Replication service.

    The account must have Run As Service privileges in Windows. CDC Replication detects the absence of this privilege and prompts you to add it to This Account.

  6. In the Database area, you must configure access to the database that contains the tables for replication. To fully complete this step, you will require CDC system administrator privileges. You can then add a datastore in the Access Manager perspective in Management Console and provide users access to this database. For more information, see your Management Console documentation.
    Option Description
    Host Enter the host name or IP address of the system on which the database is running. In a data-sharing environment, any active member can be used.
    Name Enter the name of the database on that host. This is the Db2 for z/OS LOCATION name as noted in Required Db2 and z/OS settings.
    Port Enter the TCP/IP port number for connecting to the specified database.
    User name Enter the user name that will be used to access Db2 for z/OS and under which the configuration tool will run commands on z/OS. See Required Db2 and z/OS settings for additional information.
    Password Enter the password for that user name. The display is masked.
    Advanced Click Advanced to specify extra JDBC parameters. No extra parameters are needed for unencrypted JDBC connections. For JDBC encryption, add the following parameters and values:
    • EncryptionMethod=SSL
    • ValidateServerCertificate=true
    • CryptoProtocolVersion=TLSv1.2

    Binding the JDBC driver packages sometimes takes longer than the default login timeout. If this happens, set LoginTimeout=180.

    The default collection for binding JDBC driver packages is NULLID. You can change this by setting PackageCollection.

    To display additional information in the Db2 DDF Summary, add the following parameters and values:

    • ClientHostName=workstation_name
    • ClientUser=workstation_userid

    To enable the JDBC driver KeepAlive feature, see Network considerations between CDC Replication datastores and Db2 for z/OS.

    For more details and more parameters, review the JDBC connection parameters for the DataDirect Driver.

    Metadata Schema Enter the database schema where the stored procedure for log reading will be created. The schema is case sensitive and is typically uppercase.
  7. Click the Deployment Environment tab to bring up additional z/OS-specific configuration settings. Choose either the Started Task or the Stored Procedure for deploying the Db2 log reader.
    Option Description
    SSH Port Enter the SSH port, or accept the default port.
    WLM Environment Enter the name of the Workload Manager (WLM) environment in which the stored procedure will run.
    Load Library Enter the fully qualified load library name without quotes in which the stored procedure load module will be created. See Required Db2 and z/OS settings for more details.
    CEE Prefix The link edit needs to find SCEELKED, SCEELKEX, and SCEECPP. Provide the high-level qualifier of the location of these modules (often CEE).
    User Prefix Enter the high-level qualifier for the user, or accept the default prefix.
  8. If you selected Started Task, then in the Started Task Deployment Environment area, set the following values:
    Option Description
    Port Enter the started task port.
    Encryption Select Always for TLS encryption or Disabled for no encryption.
  9. If you selected Stored Procedure, then in the Stored Procedure Deployment Environment area, set the following values:
  10. Click OK to save your configuration settings for the CDC Replication instance.

    The Update Instance window opens asking for confirmation of license entitlement. If you are not entitled, or are unsure about your entitlement, click No. Otherwise, click Yes to continue and the instance will be created.

  11. The Instance Successfully Created window opens and you have the option to start the instance. If you click No you can start the instance later with the configuration tool or Windows services. When you have multiple instances, it might be simpler to use the Windows services feature to start the specific instance than use the configuration tool. Click Yes to start immediately.


Note: If the automatic configuration fails, you can manually install the external stored procedure.