dmdeleteconnection—Deleting a datastore connection

Use this command to delete an existing connection between a datastore and a user.


DMDELETECONNECTION userName datastoreName 
[-accessserver hostname port adminuser adminpassword]


Specifies the unique name of the user you want to delete the connection for.
Specifies the name of the datastore you want to delete the connection for.
-accessserver hostname port adminuser adminpassword

The following parameters are optional and are only required if you are running this command remotely from the system where you have installed Access Server. The -accessserver parameter indicates that you want to connect to a remote installation of Access Server. It indicates that you want to run this command for an installation of Access Server that is physically remote from the Access Server installation where you are running this command.

The fully qualified host name of the remote system where Access Server is installed.
The port number of the remote system where Access Server is installed.
A user with system administrator (SYSADMIN) privileges (see role parameter in the dmcreateuser command) and the ability to manage users and datastores (see manager parameter in the dmcreateuser command).
The password for the specified SYSADMIN user.