Using the CDC Replication Engine for BigQuery commands

You can issue CDC Replication commands at a command line prompt or as part of a batch file or shell script.

Commands are case-sensitive in UNIX and Linux® environments and are located in the bin directory of your CDC Replication installation directory. You must run the commands from this directory.

Note: Use the -? flag to list the available parameters for a command and a short description of each parameter. For example, dmset -?.

Command formats

For each command, the following items of information are provided:
Identifies the name of the command and lists the command parameters.
Describes each parameter in the command and identifies the values that can be specified.
Indicates the values that are returned by the command if it is successful. These values can be useful for scripting. This section also specifies the information that is displayed on the screen, if any, as a result of executing the command.
Provides one or more examples of invoking the command.

Parameter formats

Note the following conventions in the definition of the command parameters:
  • Square brackets ( [ ] ) indicate an optional parameter. If you omit the parameter, CDC Replication uses a default value. If there are no square brackets surrounding a parameter, the parameter is mandatory
  • Angle brackets ( < > ) indicate a placeholder for the parameter. You will need to include a value for this placeholder when the parameter is specified.
  • A vertical bar ( | ) separating one or more parameters indicate that only one of the parameters in the list can be used. When one or more vertical bars appear in a list of parameters that is enclosed by brackets [ ], the choices are limited to the parameters in the list, but you have the option to not specify any of the parameters.
  • Ellipsis ( ... ) means that a parameter or option can be repeated more than once.
  • You can issue the commands in a LinuxUNIX or Windows environment.