
Use this system parameter to control how CDC Replication behaves when it applies a null value to a non-nullable column.

When set to true, the null value will be replaced with a default value (based on the data type of the column) and CDC Replication will generate a warning in the event log. When set to false, CDC Replication applies the null value directly to the non-nullable column which will result in an error and cause a shutdown of CDC Replication on the target database.

Note: If you decided to set this system parameter to false and have specified this as an error for CDC Replication to ignore using the mirror_expected_errors_list system parameter, then CDC Replication will ignore the error and not shutdown.
Applies to
Source and target datastores
Set this parameter to one of the following values:
Null value will be replaced with default value for non-nullable column, and a warning event will be logged.
Null data will be applied as-is to non-nullable column and database will usually return an error code.
Default Setting