Using the AvroConsole sample

The AvroConsole integrated sample application polls records that were read by the Kafka transactionally consistent consumer for a specified subscription and writes them to the standard output in the order of the source operation.

About this task

The Java™ class name for the sample is com.datamirror.ts.kafka.txconsistentconsumer.sampleapplications.AvroConsole.


  1. Create a consumer configuration file of type .properties.
    This file contains the connection information for the Kafka broker and the schema registry and has the following entries:
    bootstrap.servers=PLAINTEXT://kafka broker host name:port
    schema.registry.url=HTTP://schema registry host name:port 
  2. Call the application from the /lib directory in your CDC Replication Engine for Kafka installation directory.
    For example:
    $ cd CDC_Kafka_installation_directory/lib
    $ java -cp "*" class name -cs commit stream topic name -c consumer configuration file name -d
    Note: To determine the version of the application, use the -v option.