Source Job Name (&JOB)

The name of the job that made the update on the source system.

Data Type
Restrictions and limitations:
Depending on the replication engine that you install, journal control fields may or may not be supported when mirroring or refreshing data. Unsupported journal control fields contain default values that vary between the replication engines.
  • CDC Replication Engine for Db2® for i—Support for this journal control field is available only when CDC Replication mirrors data, and is not available when refreshing data. If you decide to use this journal control field when refreshing data, CDC Replication sets this journal control field to UNKNOWN.
  • CDC Replication Engine for Db2 Database—Support for this journal control field is not available. If you decide to use this journal control field when mirroring data, CDC Replication leaves it empty. If you decide to use this journal control field when refreshing data, CDC Replication sets this journal control field to TS.
  • CDC Replication Engine for Db2 for z/OS®—Support for this journal control field is available only when CDC Replication mirrors data, and is not available when refreshing data. When mirroring data, this journal control field contains the Logical Unit of Work's Correlation ID. The Correlation ID is an internal DB2® identifier. It is usually the name of the job that created the Logical Unit of Work.
  • CDC Replication Engine for Oracle XStream—Support for this journal control field is not available.