Adding an instance of the CDC Replication Engine for Informix (Windows)

Before you can start replication you must add and configure an instance.


  1. If you are configuring the first instance of the CDC Replication Engine for Informix® after installation, you can proceed to Step 3 of this procedure.
  2. At the command prompt, launch the configuration tool by issuing the following command in the specified directory:
    \<CDC Replication installation directory>\bin\dmconfigurets.exe
  3. At the welcome message, click OK to continue.
  4. On the IBM® InfoSphere® Data Replication New Instance dialog box, you can configure the following options in the Instance area:
    Option Description
    Name Enter a name for your CDC Replication instance. This name must be unique.
    Server Port Enter the port number which CDC Replication uses for communication with client workstations running Management Console and other servers.
    Note: This port number cannot be used by other applications installed on the same server. You will use this port number when specifying access parameters for your datastore in the Access Manager perspective in Management Console. CDC Replication displays a default TCP/IP port of 10901. For more information, see your Management Console documentation.
    Maximum Memory Allowed (MB) Enter the amount of physically available RAM that you want to allocate for this instance of CDC Replication. By default, the configuration tool allocates 1024 MB of RAM for each instance.
    Note: Using values other than the defaults or allocating more RAM than is physically available on your server should only be undertaken after considering the impacts on product performance.
  5. In the Windows Service area, you can specify the account that will be used to start CDC Replication services. Select one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Local System account Start the CDC Replication services through the local system administrator account.
    This account Start CDC Replication services through the specified user account.

    The account must be specified in the format <domain>\<user name>, where <domain> is the name of a domain in your environment, and <user name> is a valid login user name in the specified domain. If your computer is not part of a domain, you can specify <computer name>\<user name>.

    In the Password and Confirm Password boxes, enter the password currently associated with the selected Windows user account. If you change the password for the Windows user account after installing CDC Replication, you will have to use the Windows Services dialog to change the password currently set for each CDC Replication service.

  6. In the Database Connection area, you can configure access to either single-node database servers or multi-node database servers. For a single-node connection, configure these options:
    Option Description
    Informix Server Enter the name of the Informix database server. You must specify the DBSERVERNAME value here, not the name of an Informix server alias.
    Host Enter the name of the computer on which the Informix database server is installed.
    Port Enter the number for the Informix listen port.

    For a connection that uses Multi-node Active Clusters for High Availability, configure these options:

    Option Description
    SQL Host File Enter the path to the sqlhosts file that is used to connect to the Informix active node server.
    CM Group Name Enter the group name that is defined in the sqlhosts file to connect to the Informix active node.
  7. In the Database area, you can configure access to the database that contains the tables for replication. To complete this step, you will require system administrator privileges. You can then add a datastore in the Access Manager perspective in Management Console and provide users access to this database. For more information, see your Management Console documentation.
    Option Description
    Name Enter the name of the database that you want to replicate data to or from and contains all of the tables for replication. This is the database that you configured as part of the preinstallation tasks. Use the Advanced button if you want to specify Informix database server settings, such as DB_LOCALE.
    Username Enter the user name for the specified database.
    Password Enter the password for the specified database.
    Metadata Schema Select the database schema used by CDC Replication for metadata tables. You can specify any schema except those in use by other installed instances of CDC Replication for the given database.
    Note: CDC Replication metadata tables contain important configuration information and should be backed up as part of your database backup strategy.
    Advanced To support database object name qualification for Informix, the DELIMIDENT=y environment variable is set during instance creation.

    With this option, any database object name that is similar to SQL keywords for Informix can be used as a table name or column name during replication. With the DELIMIDENT environment variable set, you must use single quotation marks (') rather than double quotation marks (") for delimited constructs that are not SQL identifiers, for example string literals. For more information, see DELIMIDENT environment variable.

  8. If you want to use a JMS provider as the method of communication between datastores, perform the following steps. Otherwise TCP/IP will be used exclusively as the communications protocol.

    A JMS provider should be used when characteristics of your network prevent the existence of a long term, stable TCP/IP connection.

    1. Ensure that a queue has been created by your system administrator and is named correctly. Each CDC Replication instance that is to use a JMS message provider must have a queue named in the format CDC_<port>, where <port> is the five digit TCP listening port number of the instance (you can left pad the number with zeroes if necessary, to ensure five digits).
    2. Click the Communications Protocol tab.
    3. Select JMS or TCP/IP.
    4. Click Add.
    5. Select the required JMS Provider .jar files.
    6. Click Add Connection.
    7. Enter a remote factory name. A connection factory encapsulates a set of connection configuration parameters that has been defined by an administrator.
    8. Enter a user name and password for JMS server authentication.

      This user name is defined by your JMS provider. Contact your system administrator for more information.

    9. Click the JNDI Server tab.
    10. Enter the constant that holds the local or remote connection factory name in the JNDI Initial Context box. Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is a programming interface from Oracle for connecting Java programs to naming and directory services.
    11. Enter the URL that is relative to the JNDI initial context in the JNDI URL box. In JNDI, all naming and directory operations are performed relative to a context. Therefore the JNDI defines an initial context that serves as a starting point for naming and directory operations. This value should be the fully-qualified class name of the factory class that will create the initial context.
    12. If the JNDI server to which you want to connect requires authentication, then you need to provide the user name and password to connect to that system. Contact your system administrator for information about the user name that you should specify.
    13. Click OK to save the connection.
    14. Click Test if you want to verify the connection.

      If the JMS Provider is not configured correctly, CDC Replication will use TCP/IP as the communication protocol between datastores.

    15. Click OK.
  9. Click OK to save your configuration settings for the CDC Replication instance.
  10. If CDC Replication has detected an unsupported encoding, a dialog will open asking you to select an alternate encoding from a list.

    You can filter the list of alternate encodings by clicking one of the following buttons:

    • Closest match—Displays the alternated encodings that are the closest match to the data.
    • Comparable encodings byte length—Displays the alternate encodings in order of byte length.
    • All–Displays all alternate encodings.

    Select an encoding from the list and click OK.

    If you click Cancel, an error message will be displayed and the instance will not be created.