solution type for LP and QP

Specifies type of solution (basic or non basic) that CPLEX produces for a linear program (LP) or quadratic program (QP).


Solution type for LP or QP

API Parameter Name
C CPXPARAM_SolutionType
C++ IloCplex::Param::SolutionType
Java IloCplex.Param.SolutionType
.NET Cplex.Param.SolutionType
OPL solutiontype
Python parameters.solutiontype
Interactive solutiontype
Identifier 1147


Specifies the type of solution (basic or non basic) that CPLEX attempts to compute for a linear program (LP) or for a quadratic program (QP). In this context, basic means having to do with the basis. When CPLEX offers a non basic solution, the solution consists of a pair of primal-dual solution vectors.

By default (that is, when the value of this parameter is 0 (zero) automatic), CPLEX seeks a basic solution (that is, a solution with a basis) for all linear programs (LP) and for all quadratic programs (QP).

When the value of this parameter is 1 (one), CPLEX seeks a basic solution, that is, a solution that includes a basis with a basic status for variables and constraints. In other words, CPLEX behaves the same way for the values 0 (zero) and 1 (one) of this parameter.

When the value of this parameter is 2, CPLEX seeks a pair of primal-dual solution vectors. This setting does not prevent CPLEX from producing status information, but in seeking a pair of primal-dual solution vectors, CPLEX possibly may not produce basic status information; that is, it is possible that CPLEX does not produce status information about which variables and constraints participate in the basis at this setting.

Table 1. Values
Value Symbol Meaning
0 CPX_AUTO_SOLN Automatic: let CPLEX decide; default
1 CPX_BASIC_SOLN CPLEX computes a basic solution.
2 CPX_NONBASIC_SOLN CPLEX computes a primal-dual pair of solution-vectors