AddMIPStart Method (INumVar[], Double[], Int32, Int32, Cplex.MIPStartEffort, String)
Adds a MIP start, defined by a range of numeric variables and corresponding values, with its name and an effort level.

Namespace: ILOG.CPLEX
Assembly: ILOG.CPLEX (in ILOG.CPLEX.dll) Version:


public virtual int AddMIPStart(
	INumVar[] vars,
	double[] values,
	int vstart,
	int vnum,
	Cplex..::..MIPStartEffort effort,
	string name
Visual Basic
Public Overridable Function AddMIPStart ( _
	vars As INumVar(), _
	values As Double(), _
	vstart As Integer, _
	vnum As Integer, _
	effort As Cplex..::..MIPStartEffort, _
	name As String _
) As Integer


Type: array<ILOG.Concert..::..INumVar>[]()[][]
An array of numeric variables participating in the range that defines the MIP start.
Type: array<System..::..Double>[]()[][]
An array of values corresponding to the variables defining the MIP start.
Type: System..::..Int32
An index into the two arrays. It designates the beginning of the range defining the MIP start.
Type: System..::..Int32
The number of pairs of variable and value that define the MIP start.
Type: ILOG.CPLEX..::..Cplex..::..MIPStartEffort
The level of effort that CPLEX should expend to solve the MIP start.
Type: System..::..String
The name of the MIP start.

Return Value

The index of the added MIP start among all the existing MIP starts associated with the current problem.


This method adds a MIP start to the current problem. The argument vstart is an index into the two arrays vars and values. It designates the variable at which the range of variables and values defining the MIP start begins. The argument vnum specifies how many pairs of variables and values make up the range defining the MIP start.

There is not a method to create a MIP start from a multidimensional array of variables. In order to create a MIP start from a multidimensional array of variables, you first must copy all those variables into a flat array. See the topic "Starting from a solution: MIP starts" in the CPLEX User's Manual for a sample of this method with a multidimensional array.

See Also