[AIX, Linux, Windows]

Uninstalling, upgrading, and maintaining the primary installation

On all platforms, if you uninstall the primary installation, it ceases to be the primary installation. You must run the setmqinst command to select a new primary installation. On Windows, if you update the primary installation, it continues to be the primary installation. If you apply a fix pack to the primary installation, it continues to be the primary installation.

Be cautious about the effect uninstalling or upgrading the primary installation has on applications. Applications might be using the linkage library of the primary installation to switch to the linkage library of another installation. If such an application is running, you might not be able to uninstall the primary installation. The operating system might have locked the link library of the primary installation on behalf of the application. If the primary installation has been uninstalled, an application that loads the IBM® MQ libraries it requires by linking to the primary installation is not able to start.

The solution is to switch the primary installation to another installation before uninstalling. Stop, and restart applications that are linked through the previous primary installation before uninstalling it.



If you update the primary installation, it stops being the primary installation at the beginning of the update procedure. If, by the end of the update procedure, you have not made another installation primary, the upgraded installation is made primary again.


If you apply a fix pack to the primary installation, it stops being the primary installation at the beginning of the maintenance procedure. If, by the end of the maintenance procedure, you have not made another installation primary, the upgraded installation is made primary again.