[AIX, Linux, Windows]

Changing the key repository password on AIX, Linux, and Windows

Use this procedure to change the key repository password.

You can change the key repository password by using the runmqakm (GSKCapiCmd) or runmqktool (keytool) commands.

Using runmqakm

Issue the following command to change the key repository password with the runmqakm command:
runmqakm -keydb -changepw -db filename -pw password -new_pw password -stash
-file filename
Specifies the fully qualified file name of the key repository.
-pw password
Specifies the current password for the key repository.
-new_pw password
Specifies the new password for the key repository.
Optional. Specify this option to store the new key repository password in a stash file. You do not need to store the password in a stash file if you encrypt the password by using the IBM MQ password protection system instead.
For more information about these parameters and the values that can be specified, see runmqakm -keydb.
[MQ 9.4.0 Jun 2024][MQ 9.4.0 Jun 2024]

Using runmqktool

Issue the following command to change the key repository password with the runmqktool command:
runmqktool -storepasswd -all -keystore filename -storepass password
           -new password
Specifies that the password is also changed for all entries that are protected with the same password as the key repository.
-keystore filename
Specifies the fully qualified file name of the key repository.
-storepass password
Specifies the current password for the key repository.
-new password
Specifies the new password for the key repository.
For more information about these parameters and the values that can be specified, see storepasswd.