Publish/subscribe clusters

A publish/subscribe cluster is a standard cluster of interconnected queue managers, on which publications are automatically moved from publishing applications to subscriptions that exist on any of the queue managers in the cluster. There are two options for routing publications across a publish/subscribe cluster: direct routing and topic host routing. The routing you choose depends upon the size and expected activity patterns for your cluster.

A cluster that is used for publish/subscribe messaging is no different from a standard IBM® MQ cluster. As such, the queue managers within the publish/subscribe cluster can exist on physically separate computers and each pair of queue managers is automatically connected together by cluster channels when necessary. For more information, see Clusters.

To configure a standard cluster of queue managers for publish/subscribe messaging, you define one or more administered topic objects on a queue manager in the cluster. To make the topic a cluster topic, you configure the CLUSTER property with the name of the cluster. When you do this, any topic used by a publisher or subscriber at that point or below in the topic tree is shared across all queue managers in the cluster, and messages published to a clustered branch of the topic tree are automatically routed to subscriptions on other queue managers in the cluster.

Only one copy of each message is sent between the publisher queue manager and each of the other queue managers, irrespective of the number of subscribers for the message on the target queue manager. On arrival at a queue manager with one or more subscriptions, the message is duplicated across all subscriptions.

Any queue manager joining the cluster automatically becomes aware of the clustered topics, and publishers and subscribers on that queue manager automatically participate in the cluster.

Non-clustered publish/subscribe activity can also take place in a publish/subscribe cluster, by working with topic strings that do not fall under a clustered topic object.

There are two options for routing publications across a publish/subscribe cluster: direct routing and topic host routing. To choose the message routing to use within the cluster, you set the CLROUTE property on the administered topic object to one of the following values:

By default, topic routing is DIRECT. When you configure a direct routed clustered topic on a queue manager, all queue managers in the cluster become aware of all other queue managers in the cluster. When performing publish and subscribe operations, each queue manager can connect direct to any other queue manager in the cluster.

From IBM MQ 8.0, you can instead configure topic routing as TOPICHOST. When you use topic host routing, all queue managers in the cluster become aware of the cluster queue managers that host the routed topic definition (that is, the queue managers on which you have defined the topic object). When performing publish and subscribe operations, queue managers in the cluster connect only to these topic host queue managers, and not directly to each other. The topic host queue managers are responsible for routing publications from queue managers on which publications are published to queue managers with matching subscriptions.

Figure 1. Direct routing and topic host routing
Two publish/subscribe clusters are shown. Each is depicted as a set of queue managers. For the cluster that uses direct routing, all queue managers are shown linking to all other queue managers in a web of connections. For the cluster that uses topic host routing, all queue managers are shown linking to a small number of topic host queue managers, with significantly fewer connections.

An overview of direct routing

When an administered topic object is configured for direct routing, the topic object only needs to be defined on one of the queue managers in the cluster for all queue managers to learn of it. The choice of queue manager on which the topic is defined does not affect the behavior of publish/subscribe messaging for the topic.

Each message flows directly from the publisher queue manager to each subscription on the other queue managers in the cluster, not passing through any intermediate queue managers.

By default, messages are sent only to other queue managers in the cluster that host one or more subscriptions.
  • This relies on each queue manager directly informing all other queue managers in the cluster of all topics that currently have one or more subscriptions to it. This results in all queue managers in the cluster being aware of all topics being subscribed to, and any queue manager that hosts a subscription establishing a channel to every other queue manager. This is independent of whether each queue manager has a publisher.
  • The knowledge of each individual subscribed topic on all queue managers can be removed by changing to a model of sending all publications to all queue managers in the cluster, irrespective of whether they have subscriptions. This reduces the subscription knowledge traffic, but is likely to increase the publication traffic and the number of channels each queue manager establishes. See Subscription performance in publish/subscribe networks.

Publish/subscribe message flows using direct routed clustered topics can span multiple publish/subscribe clusters by adding one queue manager from each cluster into a publish/subscribe hierarchy. See Combining the topic spaces of multiple clusters.

For a more detailed exploration of direct routing, see Direct routing in publish/subscribe clusters.

An overview of topic host routing

When an administered topic object is configured for topic host routing, publications from a queue manager in the cluster are routed through a queue manager where the topic object is configured (a "topic host"), and from there on to the queue managers where subscriptions exist.
  • This relies on each queue manager informing all topic hosts of every topic that currently has one or more subscriptions to it. Any queue manager hosting a subscription establishes a channel to every topic host for the topic that the subscription relates to.
  • Non-topic hosting queue managers are not made aware of other non-topic hosting queue managers in the cluster for the purposes of publish/subscribe, and channels are not established between them for that purpose.
  • If the publishing application is connected to a queue manager hosting the topic, the published messages are routed directly to the queue managers where matching subscriptions have been created, without requiring an additional 'hop'. Similarly, if the matching subscriptions are created on the only queue manager hosting the topic, messages published to that topic are routed directly to that queue manager, without requiring an additional hop.
  • Subscriptions on the same queue manager as the publisher are satisfied without first routing publications to the hosts of the topic object.
As for clustered queues, multiple queue managers can configure the same administrative topic object. This provides higher availability of message routing, and horizontal scaling through workload balancing. For topic host routed topic objects, when multiple queue managers configure the same named topic for the same branch of the topic tree, each topic host is made aware of the subscribed topics by every queue manager hosting a subscription.
  • When a message is published, it is sent to one of the topic host queue managers to forward on to the subscription hosting queue managers. The choice of the topic host queue manager follows the same default workload balancing rules as for clustered point-to-point queues.
  • If one or more topic host queue managers cannot be contacted by a publishing queue manager, messages are routed to the remaining available topic hosting queue managers.
Every publication to a topic in a routed branch of the topic tree is forwarded to one of the topic hosts, even if there are no subscriptions to that topic anywhere in the cluster. By default, messages are sent from here only to other queue managers in the cluster that host one or more subscriptions.
  • This relies on each topic host queue manager being informed of all subscribed topic strings on each queue manager in the cluster.
  • The knowledge of each individual subscribed topic can be removed by changing to a model of sending all publications routed to a topic host on to all queue managers in the cluster, irrespective of whether they have subscriptions. This reduces the subscription knowledge traffic but is likely to increase the publication traffic and potentially the number of channels established with each topic hosting queue manager. See Subscription performance in publish/subscribe networks.

Publish/subscribe message flows using topic host routed clustered topics cannot span multiple publish/subscribe clusters through the use of a publish/subscribe hierarchy.

For a more detailed exploration of topic host routing, see Topic host routing in publish/subscribe clusters.