
Directory structure on Windows systems

How to find queue manager configuration information and directories on Windows.

The default directories for IBM® MQ for Windows installation are:

Program directory
C:\Program Files\IBM\MQ
Data directory
[Windows]Important: For Windows installations, the directories are as stated, unless there is a previous installation of the product that still contains registry entries or queue managers, or both. In this situation, the new installation uses the old data directory location. For more information, see Program and data directory locations.

If you want to know which installation directory and which data directory is being used, run the dspmqver command.

The installation directory is listed in the InstPath field and the data directory is listed in the DataPath field.

Running the dspmqver command displays, for example, the following information:
Name:        IBM MQ
Level:       p900-L160512.4
BuildType:   IKAP - (Production)
Platform:    IBM MQ for Windows (x64 platform)
Mode:        64-bit
O/S:         Windows 7 Professional x64 Edition, Build 7601: SP1
InstName:    Installation1
Primary:     Yes
InstPath:    C:\Program Files\IBM\MQ
DataPath:    C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ
MaxCmdLevel: 900
LicenseType: Production

Multi-instance queue managers

To configure a multi-instance queue manager, the log and data directories must be placed on networked storage, preferably on a different server to any of the servers that are running instances of the queue manager.

Two parameters are provided on the crtmqm command, -md and -ld, to make it easier specify the location of the queue manager data and log directories. The effect of specifying the -md parameter is fourfold:

  1. The mqs.ini stanza QueueManager\QmgrName contains a new variable, DataPath, which points to the queue manager data directory. Unlike the Prefix variable, the path includes the name of the queue manager directory.
  2. The queue manager configuration information stored in the mqs.ini file is reduced to Name, Prefix, Directory and DataPath.