Relationship with IBM MQ classes for Java

IBM® MQ classes for Java, IBM MQ classes for Jakarta Messaging and IBM MQ classes for JMS are peers that use a common Java interface to the MQI.

Figure 1 shows the relationship between IBM MQ classes for JMS, IBM MQ classes for Jakarta Messaging and IBM MQ classes for Java.

Figure 1. The relationship between IBM MQ classes for JMS, IBM MQ classes for Jakarta Messaging and IBM MQ classes for Java
This figure is described in the surrounding text.
In general, Java programs should use only one interface to interface with IBM MQIBM MQ classes for Java, IBM MQ classes for Jakarta Messaging or IBM MQ classes for JMS. Mixing interfaces is not supported, with one exception. To maintain compatibility with releases before IBM WebSphere® MQ 7.0, channel exit classes that are written in Java can still use the IBM MQ classes for Java interfaces, even if the channel exit classes are called from IBM MQ classes for JMS. However, using the IBM MQ classes for Java interfaces means that your applications are still dependent on either:
  • [JMS 2.0]The IBM MQ classes for Java JAR file, If you do not want in your class path, you can use the set of interfaces in the package instead.
  • [Jakarta Messaging 3.0]Use of the, when interoperating with IBM MQ classes for Jakarta Messaging.