[MQ 9.4.0 Jun 2024]

Removing maintenance on Linux Ubuntu using dpkg

From IBM® MQ 9.4.0, you can use the dpkg command to remove maintenance from an IBM MQ installation on Linux® Ubuntu systems.

Before you begin

When you use dpkg to remove fix pack maintenance, the IBM MQ installation that includes the maintenance level is replaced with an installation at an earlier level of IBM MQ. Therefore, you must decide which level of IBM MQ you want to revert to. Then you must ensure that the installation files for the earlier level of IBM MQ are available on the system.

About this task

You can use dpkg only to roll back the fix pack level of your installation. You cannot use the command to roll back the version, release, or modification level of your IBM MQ installation. To roll back the version, release, or modification level of your installation, you must uninstall the higher level and then install the earlier level that you require. However, any queue managers that are running at a higher version or release of IBM MQ cannot then be started on the earlier version or release. For more information, see Queue manager migration.


  1. Complete the following tasks:
    1. Stop all your IBM MQ applications.

      If you use the Managed File Transfer (MFT) component, ensure that any file transfers that MFT agents are engaged in are completed. The SYSTEM.FTE.STATE queues must contain no messages.

    2. Stopped the mqweb server by using the endmqweb command.
    3. Stopped your listeners by using the endmqlsr command.
    4. Stopped all your queue managers by using the endmqm command.
      If a queue manager is part of a cluster, you must suspend the queue manager before you stop it. For more information, see Maintaining a queue manager in a cluster.
    5. Backed up your data.
  2. Log in as root, or with sufficient authority to run the following commands.

    You can do this by adding sudo before the commands, or by changing to the root user in the shell with the su command. For more information, see Exploring the differences between sudo and su commands in Linux.

  3. Set your current directory to the location of the earlier level installation files. The location might be a network location, or a local file system directory.
  4. Remove maintenance from each IBM MQ package by using the following command for each package:
    dpkg -i pathToInstallationFiles/packageName
    where pathToInstallationFiles specifies the path where the earlier level IBM MQ installation files are located, and packageName specifies the name of the package to remove maintenance from.
    Important: You cannot specify multiple package files in the same command because of inter-package dependencies. Change the packages individually in the order shown. If you use apt to remove maintenance, the inter-package dependencies are handled for you. For more information, see Removing maintenance on Linux Ubuntu using apt.
    • ibmmq-runtime
    • ibmmq-jre
    • ibmmq-java
    • ibmmq-gskit
    • ibmmq-server
    • ibmmq-web
    • ibmmq-ftbase
    • ibmmq-ftagent
    • ibmmq-ftservice
    • ibmmq-ftlogger
    • ibmmq-fttools
    • ibmmq-amqp
    • ibmmq-ams
    • ibmmq-xrservice
    • ibmmq-explorer
    • ibmmq-client
    • ibmmq-man
    • ibmmq-msg_language
    • ibmmq-samples
    • ibmmq-sdk
  5. Use the dspmqver command to verify that the level is as expected: