[AIX, Linux, Windows]

Finding installations of IBM MQ on a system

If you have multiple IBM® MQ installations on a system, you can check which versions are installed and where they are.

You can use the following methods to find the IBM MQ installations on your system:
  • Use the platform installation tools to query where IBM MQ has been installed. Then use the dspmqver command from an IBM MQ installation. The following commands are examples of commands you can use to query where IBM MQ has been installed:
    • [AIX]On AIX® systems, you can use the lslpp command:
      lslpp -R ALL -l mqm.base.runtime
    • [Linux]On Linux® systems, you can use the rpm command:
      rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\t%{INSTPREFIXES}\n" | grep MQSeriesRuntime
    • [Windows]On Windows systems, you can use the wmic command. This command might install the wmic client:
      wmic product where "(Name like '%MQ%') AND (not Name like '%bitSupport')" get Name, Version, InstallLocation
  • [AIX][Linux]On AIX and Linux systems, issue the following command to find out where IBM MQ has been installed:
    cat /etc/opt/mqm/mqinst.ini
    Then use the dspmqver command from an IBM MQ installation.
  • [Windows]To display details of installations on the system, on 32-bit Windows, issue the following command:
    reg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Installation" /s
  • [Windows]On 64-bit Windows, issue the following command:
    reg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Installation" /s