
Availability on z/OS

IBM® MQ for z/OS® has many features for high availability. This topic describes some of the considerations for availability.

Sysplex considerations

In a sysplex, a number of z/OS operating system images collaborate in a single system image and communicate using a coupling facility. IBM MQ can use the facilities of the sysplex environment for enhanced availability.

Removing the affinities between a queue manager and a particular z/OS image allows a queue manager to be restarted on a different z/OS image in the event of an image failure. The restart mechanism can be manual, use ARM, or use system automation, if you ensure the following:

  • All page sets, logs, bootstrap data sets, code libraries, and queue manager configuration data sets are defined on shared volumes.
  • The subsystem definition has sysplex scope and a unique name within the sysplex.
  • The level of early code installed on every z/OS image at IPL time is at the same level.
  • TCP virtual IP addresses (VIPA) is available on each TCP stack in the sysplex, and you have configured IBM MQ TCP listeners and inbound connections to use VIPAs rather than default host names.

For more information about using TCP in a sysplex, see TCP/IP in a sysplex, SG24-5235, an IBM Redbooks® publication.

You can additionally configure multiple queue managers running on different operating system images in a sysplex to operate as a queue sharing group, which can take advantage of shared queues and shared channels for higher availability and workload balancing.

Shared queues

In the queue sharing group environment, an application can connect to any of the queue managers within the queue sharing group. Because all the queue managers in the queue sharing group can access the same set of shared queues, the application does not depend on the availability of a particular queue manager; any queue manager in the queue sharing group can service any queue. This gives greater availability if a queue manager stops because all the other queue managers in the queue sharing group can continue processing the queue. For information about high availability of shared queues, see Advantages of using shared queues.

To further enhance the availability of messages in a queue sharing group, IBM MQ detects if another queue manager in the group disconnects from the coupling facility abnormally, and completes units of work for that queue manager that are still pending, where possible. This is known as peer recovery and is described in Peer recovery.

Peer recovery cannot recover units of work that were in doubt at the time of the failure. You can use the Automatic Restart Manager (ARM) to restart all the systems involved in the failure ( CICS®, Db2®, and IBM MQ for example), and to ensure that they are all restarted on the same new processor. This means that they can resynchronize, and gives rapid recovery of in-doubt units of work. This is described in Using the z/OS Automatic Restart Manager (ARM).

Shared channels

In the queue sharing group environment, IBM MQ provides functions that give high availability to the network. The channel initiator enables you to use networking products that balance network requests across a set of eligible servers and hide server failures from the network (for example, VTAM generic resources). IBM MQ uses a generic port for inbound requests so that attach requests can be routed to any available channel initiator in the queue sharing group. This is described in Shared channels.

Shared outbound channels take the messages they send from a shared transmission queue. Information about the status of a shared channel is held in one place for the whole queue sharing group level. This means that a channel can be restarted automatically on a different channel initiator in the queue sharing group if the channel initiator, queue manager, or communications subsystem fails. This is called peer channel recovery and is described in Shared outbound channels.

IBM MQ network availability

IBM MQ messages are carried from queue manager to queue manager in an IBM MQ network using channels. You can change the configuration at a number of levels to improve the network availability of a queue manager, and the ability of an IBM MQ channel to detect a network problem and to reconnect.

TCP Keepalive is available for TCP/IP channels. It causes TCP to send packets periodically between sessions to detect network failures. The KAINT channel attribute determines the frequency of these packets for a channel.

AdoptMCA allows a channel, blocked in receive processing as a result of a network outage, to be terminated and replaced by a new connection request. You control AdoptMCA using the ADOPTMCA queue manager property with the MQSC utility or the AdoptNewMCAType property with the Programmable Command Formats interface.

ReceiveTimeout prevents a channel from being permanently blocked in a network receive call. The RCVTIME and RCVTMIN channel initiator parameters, determine the receive timeout characteristics for channels, as a function of their heartbeat interval. See Queue manager parameter for more details.

Using the z/OS Automatic Restart Manager (ARM)

You can use IBM MQ for z/OS in conjunction with the z/OS automatic restart manager (ARM). If a queue manager or a channel initiator has failed, ARM restarts it on the same z/OS image. If z/OS fails, a whole group of related subsystems and applications also fail. ARM can restart all the failed systems automatically, in a predefined order, on another z/OS image within the sysplex. This is called a cross-system restart.

ARM enables rapid recovery of in-doubt transactions in the shared queue environment. It also gives higher availability if you are not using queue sharing groups.

You can use ARM to restart a queue manager on a different z/OS image within the sysplex in the event of z/OS failure.

To enable automatic restart, you must do the following:
  1. Set up an ARM coupling data set.
  2. Define the automatic restart actions that you want z/OS to perform in an ARM policy.
  3. Start the ARM policy.

If you want to restart queue managers in different z/OS images automatically, every queue manager in each z/OS image on which that queue manager might be restarted must be defined with a sysplex-wide unique 4-character subsystem name.

Using ARM with IBM MQ is described in Using ARM in an IBM MQ network.

Using the z/OS Extended Recovery Facility (XRF)

You can use IBM MQ in an extended recovery facility (XRF) environment. All IBM MQ-owned data sets (executable code, BSDSs, logs, and page sets) must be on DASD shared between the active and alternative XRF processors.

If you use XRF for recovery, you must stop the queue manager on the active processor and start it on the alternative processor. For CICS, you can do this using the command list table (CLT) provided by CICS, or the system operator can do it manually. For IMS, this is a manual operation and you must do it after the coordinating IMS system has completed the processor switch.

IBM MQ utilities must be completed or terminated before the queue manager can be switched to the alternative processor. Consider the effect of this potential interruption carefully when planning your XRF recovery plans.

Take care to prevent the queue manager starting on the alternative processor before the queue manager on the active processor terminates. A premature start can cause severe integrity problems in data, the catalog, and the log. Using global resource serialization (GRS) helps avoid the integrity problems by preventing simultaneous use of IBM MQ on the two systems. You must include the BSDS as a protected resource, and you must include the active and alternative XRF processors in the GRS ring.

Using the z/OS GROUPUR attribute for recovery in a queue sharing group

Queue sharing groups (QSG) allow additional transactional facilities which are described in this topic. The GROUPUR attribute allows XA client applications to have any in-doubt transaction recovery that may be required, performed on any member of the QSG.

If an XA client application connects to a queue sharing group (QSG) through a Sysplex it cannot guarantee which specific queue manager it connects to. Use of the GROUPUR attribute by queue managers within the queue sharing group can enable any in-doubt transaction recovery that may be necessary to occur on any member of the QSG. Even if the queue manager to which the application was initially connected is not available, transaction recovery can take place.

This feature frees the XA client application from any dependency on specific members of the QSG and thus extends the availability of the queue manager. The queue sharing group appears to the transactional application as a single entity providing all the IBM MQ features and without a single queue manager point of failure.

This functionality is not apparent to the transactional application.

Where to find more information about availability

You can find more information about these topics from the following sources:

Table 1. Where to find more information about availability
Topic Where to look
Queue sharing groups
Shared queues and queue sharing groups
System parameters
Configuring system parameters
Using the Automatic Restart Manager
Utility programs
Using ARM in an IBM MQ network
MQSC commands
MQSC commands