Queue sharing group coexistence on z/OS
Queue managers running on IBM® MQ for z/OS® 9.4, or any of the IBM MQ for z/OS 9.4.x Continuous Delivery (CD) releases, can be part of a QSG with queue managers running on IBM MQ for z/OS 9.2.0 or later. This applies to any combination of CD and Long Term Support (LTS) releases from IBM MQ for z/OS 9.2.0.
Queue managers check to see if the QSG contains any incompatible queue managers. If there are incompatibilities in the QSG, the queue manager fails to start up, issuing message CSQ5005E followed by an X'6C6' abend with reason code X'F50029'.
- From IBM MQ for z/OS 9.3, the easier way is to use the
CSQ5PQSG VERIFY function and check for message CSQU599I.
This indicates whether your queue manager can be added to an existing QSG. Note that it is always better to run this utility before attempting to add a queue manager to a QSG or migrating an existing queue manager in the QSG.
- Alternatively, you can query the Db2® tables to
see all the queue manager levels in a QSG. For example, use the Db2 SPUFI command.
See Executing SQL by using SPUFI for more information. In addition, CSQ45STB in SCSQPROC has sample JCL that you can customize to do the Db2 SELECT commands.
Running this command shows in the following example that you have an IBM MQ for z/OS 9.1 queue manager in the QSG and that therefore you cannot run IBM MQ for z/OS 9.4 in the QSG.
SELECT QMGRNAME,ACTSTATE,CMDLEVEL FROM CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR WHERE QSGNAME = 'QSG1'; ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--- QMGRNAME ACTSTATE CMDLEVEL ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--- MQ01 N 935 MQ02 N 910 MQ03 N 920
Properties of objects in a queue sharing group with queue managers at different versions on z/OS
Attributes that did not exist in earlier versions can be created and altered on queue managers of a later version in a mixed queue sharing group. The attributes are not available to queue managers in the group that are at an earlier level.
MQSC commands in a queue sharing group with queue managers at different versions on z/OS
Existing MQSC commands using new keywords and attribute values can be entered for routing to a migrated queue manager. You can enter the commands on any queue manager. Route the commands using CMDSCOPE. Commands with new keywords and attribute values, or new commands, routed to a previous version of queue manager, fail.