MQ clients: Client configuration stanzas moved into a different configuration file
Client configuration information is moved from existing configuration stanzas into a new configuration file, mqclient.ini.
Moving client configuration information affects existing settings. For example:
- Set the TCP KeepAlive attribute for client connections in
mqclient.ini. For example:
An existing setting in qm.ini is ignored.TCP: KeepAlive = Yes
- Set ClientExitPath in mqclient.ini. For example:
An existing setting in mqs.ini is moved to the client configuration file when you upgrade the client. If you add values to mqs.ini, they are ignored.ClientExitPath: ExitsDefaultPath=/var/mqm/exits ExitsDefaultPath64=/var/mqm/exits64
- Set JavaExitsClasspath in mqclient.ini.
Do not continue to use the Java system property Existing settings continue to work, but they are deprecated. The setting in mqclient.ini has precedence over the Java system property.
See Location of the client configuration file for information on the possible locations of this file.