What's new in IBM MQ for z/OS 9.3.0 - base and Advanced VUE entitlement
IBM® MQ 9.3.0 delivers a number of new features and enhancements that are available with base and IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS® Value Unit Edition (VUE) entitlement.
- Streaming queues
- The following capabilities are new for Long Term Support and Continuous Delivery at IBM MQ 9.3.0:
- Administration
- The following capabilities first appeared in IBM MQ 9.2.x Continuous Delivery releases and are new for Long Term Support at IBM MQ 9.3.0:
- Security
- The following capabilities first appeared in IBM MQ 9.2.x Continuous Delivery releases and are new for Long Term Support at IBM MQ 9.3.0:
- Application development
- The following capabilities first appeared in IBM MQ 9.2.x Continuous Delivery releases and are new for Long Term Support at IBM MQ 9.3.0:
Streaming queues
- Streaming queues to realize additional value from data already flowing through IBM MQ
- IBM MQ 9.3.0 adds the streaming queues feature, which
allows you to configure a queue to put a near-identical copy of every message to a second queue.
Streaming queues can be useful in certain scenarios, where you need to create a copy of your
messages. For example:
- Performing analysis on the data going through the system.
- Storing messages for recovery at a later time.
- Capturing a set of messages to use in development and test systems.
- Consuming IBM MQ event messages from the system event queues, and sending additional copies to other queues or topics.
- New queue managers 64-bit RBA capable by default
- IBM MQ for z/OS 9.3.0 simplifies the creation of new queue managers by making them use a 64 bit log RBA, and being capable of having up to 310 active logs, by default. This means that you no longer have to run the CSQJUCNV utility on new queue managers to use these capabilities. For more information, see CSQJUCNV and Larger log Relative Byte Address.
- Changes to statistics collection intervals
- IBM MQ for z/OS can capture statistics and accounting data in SMF records at regular intervals. Statistics data is cheap to capture and small in volume. Accounting data is more expensive to capture, and can be large in volume. From IBM MQ for z/OS 9.3.0 you have the ability to define separate intervals for the collection of statistics and accounting data allowing more frequent capturing of statistics data without also having to capture large volumes of accounting data.
- CSQUDSPM utility supports upper case and lower case parameters
- From IBM MQ for z/OS 9.3.0, the CSQUDSPM utility now supports upper case and lower case parameters. This means batch jobs using this utility can be written with CAPS ON, which is a common configuration. This change also means those using the utility in Unix System Services have the choice to use upper or lower case flags, to match their preference. For more information, see Display queue manager information utility (CSQUDSPM).
- IBM MQ Console Application quick start
- Enhancements to the IBM MQ Console can help new users to get started more easily than ever before, following simple steps to create a messaging configuration with an application. For more information, see Quick tour of the IBM MQ Console.
- Remote queue manager support for the IBM MQ Console
- IBM MQ 9.3.0 adds support for managing remote queue managers in the IBM MQ Console. Adding remote queue managers to the IBM MQ Console enables you to administer all your queue managers in a single IBM MQ Console instance. The remote queue managers can be queue managers that are running in a different installation on the same system as the IBM MQ Console, or queue managers that are running on a different system. For more information, see Adding a remote queue manager to the IBM MQ Console.
- Configurable IBM MQ Console message browsing controls
- At IBM MQ 9.3.0, general updates have been made to improve the usability of the IBM MQ Console for a better user experience. These include the capability to download and view complete message contents from the IBM MQ Console, enhancing the prior previewing capability. You can configure these capabilities with three new parameters, mqConsoleMaxMsgCharsToDisplay, mqConsoleMaxMsgRequestSize and mqConsoleMaxMsgsPerRequest, that have been added to the setmqweb command. For more information, see setmqweb (set mqweb server configuration).
- Enhancements to SMF statistics
- IBM MQ 9.3.0 adds the collection of queue statistics to
the existing SMF information available to your enterprise. The new queue statistics data provides
relevant data for each queue without the burden of collecting accounting information, or having to
write an application to issue the DISPLAY QSTATUS command. This allows you to better monitor the
performance of your queues over time, using your existing SMF tools.
For more information, see Queue data records.
- AT-TLS best practices for IBM MQ for z/OS
- Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) can make it simpler to enable TLS on channels. It is designed to create a secure session on behalf of an application and provide encryption and decryption of data based on policy statements rather than requiring TLS to be implemented by every application that requires a secure connection. For more information, see Use of AT-TLS with IBM MQ for z/OS.
- More flexible configuration for SNI support
- The Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS enables a client to indicate the hostname to which it is attempting to connect at the start of the handshaking process. From IBM MQ 9.3.0, an improvement has been made to allow the SNI to store either the IBM MQ channel name or the hostname.
- Support for multiple queue manager certificates in MQIPT
- From IBM MQ 9.3.0, per-channel certificates can be used on a queue manager for TLS connections received from IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru (MQIPT), where the MQIPT route is configured as a TLS client.
- User data traced by MQIPT can be configured
- From IBM MQ 9.3.0, the amount of user data in network transmissions received and sent by MQIPT routes that is traced can be configured using the TraceUserData property. If this property is not specified, only the first 64 bytes of data in network transmissions is traced.
Application development
- REST Messaging API: greater access to message properties when sending and receiving messages using the REST API
- The following new features provide increased access to message properties when sending or
receiving messages by using the REST API:
- A new REST API V3 has been introduced. New features are available by using the v3 version of the resource URL.
- Support for a message priority request header has been added.
- Application-specific correlation IDs can now be used (bringing the use of Correlation and Message IDs more in line with JMS).
- Support for setting and reading multiple user-defined message properties has been added.
- Support for Jakarta Messaging 3.0
- The JMS specification defines a set of named Java interfaces that software conforming to the specification must implement. From IBM MQ 9.3.0, Jakarta Messaging 3.0 is supported. This extends the set of environments in which IBM MQ can be used.
- Simplified Java application technologies
- With APAR PH56722, IBM MQ classes for JMS and IBM MQ classes for Java applications running in a batch environment are allowed to use client connectivity to any z/OS queue manager, regardless of the PID that the queue manager is running under.