How authorizations work on AIX, Linux, and Windows
The authorization specification tables in the topics in this section define precisely how the authorizations work and the restrictions that apply.
The tables apply to these situations:
- Applications that issue MQI calls
- Administration programs that issue MQSC commands as escape PCFs
- Administration programs that issue PCF commands
In this section, the information is presented as a set of tables that specify the following:
- Action to be performed
- MQI option, MQSC command, or PCF command.
- Access control object
- Queue, process, queue manager, namelist, authentication information, channel, client connection channel, listener, or service.
- Authorization required
- Expressed as an MQZAO_ constant.
In the tables, the constants prefixed by MQZAO_ correspond to the keywords in the authorization
list for the setmqaut command for the particular entity. For example, MQZAO_BROWSE
corresponds to the keyword +browse
, MQZAO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT corresponds to the
keyword +setall
, and so on. These constants are defined in the header file cmqzc.h,
supplied with the product.