[MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]

Upgrading an IBM MQ installation on Linux Red Hat using yum

From IBM® MQ 9.3.0, you can use yum to upgrade an IBM MQ installation on Linux® Red Hat® systems. The version that you are upgrading from must be IBM MQ 9.2.0 or later, and the last fix applied (if any) must be a manufacturing refresh.

Before you begin

If you want to apply a maintenance level update instead, for example, to apply a fix pack to a Long Term Support release or a cumulative security update (CSU) to either a Long Term Support or the latest Continuous Delivery, see Applying and removing maintenance on Linux.

You can install the next release of the product if the last fix you applied to the previous version was a manufacturing refresh. For example:
  • IBM MQ 9.2.0 Fix Pack 7 is a manufacturing refresh. The dspmqver command shows and the essential runtime package has the file name MQSeriesRuntime-9.2.0-7.x86_64.rpm. You can migrate to IBM MQ 9.3.0 from this fix pack.
  • IBM MQ 9.2.0 Fix Pack 10 is a maintenance level update. The essential runtime package has the filename MQSeriesRuntime-U92010-9.2.0-10.x86_64.rpm. Notice the presence of the token U92010 in the filename. If the name of the runtime package contains a U followed by the version, release, modification, and fix pack number, the IBM MQ installer does not proceed and displays an error.
If the last fix you applied was a maintenance level update, you must migrate to a manufacturing refresh - either earlier or later - before you can migrate to the next release of the product. See Applying and removing maintenance on Linux.
  • [Deprecated]The IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce is deprecated across all releases from November 22 2022 (see US Announcement letter 222-341).
  • [Deprecated]The IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain is deprecated across all releases from November 22 2022 (see US Announcement letter 222-341). Blockchain connectivity can be achieved with IBM App Connect or through App Connect capabilities available with IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration.
  • [Removed][MQ 9.3.2 Feb 2023]For Continuous Delivery, the IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain is removed from the product at IBM MQ 9.3.2.

    On Linux for x86-64 only, if you are migrating on an installation where the IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain is present, you must remove it before you upgrade to IBM MQ 9.3.2 or later.

  • [MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]From IBM MQ 9.3.0, IBM MQ Explorer has been removed from the IBM MQ install package. On Linux for x86-64 only, if you are migrating on an installation where the IBM MQ Explorer is present as part of the IBM MQ installation, you must remove it before you upgrade to IBM MQ 9.3.0 or later.

About this task

For more information about modifying an IBM MQ installation using yum, see Uninstalling or modifying IBM MQ on Linux Red Hat using yum.


  1. Ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
    1. Stopped all your IBM MQ applications.
    2. Shut down your listeners.
    3. Stopped all your queue managers.
    4. Backed up your data .
  2. Log in as root, or with sufficient authority to run the following commands.

    You can do this by adding sudo before the commands, or by changing to the root user in the shell with the su command. For more information, see Exploring the differences between sudo and su commands in Linux.

  3. Optional: If your installation media is a downloadable installation image, obtained from Passport Advantage, you must decompress the tar.gz file and extract the installation files from the tar file:
    1. Decompress the file by using the following command:
      gunzip partName.tar.gz
      where partName is the name of the installation image file.
    2. Extract the installation files from the tar file by using the following command:
      tar -xvf partName.tar
      where partName is the name of the installation image file.
      Important: You must use GNU tar (also known as gtar) to unpack any tar images.
  4. Set your current directory to the location of the installation packages.

    The location might be a network location, or a local file system directory. See Where to find downloadable installation images.

  5. Optional: If this is not the only installation on the system, or if you want to upgrade an IBM MQ installation in a non default location, run the crtmqpkg to create a unique set of packages to upgrade:
    ./crtmqpkg suffix installationPath
    • suffix specifies a name of your choosing that uniquely identifies the installation packages on the system. suffix is not the same as an installation name, although the names can be identical. suffix is limited to 16 characters in the ranges A-Z, a-z, and 0-9.
    • installationPath specifies the path where the installation that you want to upgrade is installed.
    Note: This command creates a full copy of the installation packages in a temporary directory. By default, the temporary directory is located at /var/tmp. You must ensure that the system has enough free space before you run this command. To use a different location, you can set the TMPDIR environment variable before you run the crtmqpkg command. For example:
    $ TMPDIR=/test ./crtmqpkg suffix installationPath
  6. Set your current directory to the location of the installation packages.

    If you used the crtmqpkg command, this directory is the location that is specified when the crtmqpkg command operation completes successfully.

  7. Update the yum repository file:
    1. Open the repository file. The file is in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory, and has a suffix of .repo. For example, IBM_MQ.repo.
    2. Add the following contents to the repository file. Replace the installationFilesLocation with the location of the installation files for the version that you want to upgrade to, and v.r.m with the version, release, and modification number for the version of IBM MQ that you want to upgrade to:
      name=IBM MQ v.r.m x86_64
    3. Clear the repository cache by using the following command:
      yum clean all
    4. Check that the IBM MQ repository is available by using the following command:
      yum repolist
  8. From IBM MQ 9.2.0, you have the option of accepting the license before or after installing the product. To accept the license before installing, run the mqlicense.sh script. The license agreement is displayed in a language appropriate to your environment and you are prompted to accept or decline the terms of the license:
    • To display the license agreement in the default manner, which uses an X-window where possible, use the following command:
    • To display the license agreement as text in the current shell, which can be read by a screen reader, use the following command:
      ./mqlicense.sh -text_only 
    See Accepting the license on IBM MQ for Linux for more information about license acceptance.
  9. Upgrade IBM MQ:
    • To upgrade all installed components, use the following command:
      yum -y upgrade MQSeries*
    • To upgrade all installed components in a non default location, use the following command:
      yum -y upgrade MQSeries*suffix*
      where suffix specifies the suffix that was chosen when you ran crtmqpkg in step 5.
  10. Use the dspmqver command to verify that the version is as expected: