Configuring the JMSAdmin and JMS30Admin tools
The IBM® MQ JMS and Jakarta Messaging administration tools use a configuration file to set the values of certain properties. In each case, a sample configuration file is supplied that you can edit to suit your system.
About this task
IBM MQ 9.3.0 introduces support for Jakarta Messaging 3.0. JMS 2.0 is still fully supported.
#Set the service provider
#Set the initial context
#Set the authentication type
In this example, a hash sign (#) in the first column of the line indicates a comment,
or a line that is not used.A sample configuration file, which is used as the default configuration file, is supplied with
IBM MQ. The sample file is called
(for JMS 2.0) or
(for Jakarta Messaging 3.0). This
file is found in the MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH/bin
directory. You can
either edit the sample file to define the settings needed for your system, or create your own
configuration file.
When you start the administration tool, you can specify the configuration file that you want to
use by using the -cfg
command-line parameter, as described in Starting the JMSAdmin and JMS30Admin tools. If you do not specify a configuration file name when you invoke the tool,
the tool attempts to load the default configuration file ( JMSAdmin.config
). It searches for this file first in the current directory, and
then in the MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH/bin
directory, where
is the path to your IBM MQ classes for JMS or IBM MQ classes for Jakarta Messaging installation.
The names of JMS or Jakarta Messaging objects that are stored in an LDAP environment must
comply with LDAP naming conventions. One of these conventions is that object and context names must
include a prefix, such as cn=
(common name), or ou=
(organizational unit). The administration tool simplifies the use of LDAP service providers by
allowing you to refer to object and context names without a prefix. If you do not supply a prefix,
the tool automatically adds a default prefix to the name you supply. For LDAP, this is
. If required, you can change the default prefix by setting the
NAME_PREFIX property in the configuration file.