
Installing the first IBM MQ installation on Linux using the rpm command

You can install an IBM® MQ server on a 64-bit Linux® system using rpm. The instructions in this topic are for the first installation of IBM MQ on a Linux system.

Before you begin

About this task

Install the server by using the RPM Package Manager installer to select the components you want to install. The components and package names are listed in IBM MQ rpm components for Linux systems.

Attention: Unless you install all your required packages in the same operation, you must install the packages in the following order:
[Deprecated]MQSeriesSFBridge 1
[Deprecated][Removed]MQSeriesBCBridge 2 3
  1. [Deprecated]The IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce is deprecated across all releases from November 22 2022 (see US Announcement letter 222-341).
  2. [Deprecated]The IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain is deprecated across all releases from November 22 2022 (see US Announcement letter 222-341). Blockchain connectivity can be achieved with IBM App Connect or through App Connect capabilities available with IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration.
  3. [Removed][MQ 9.3.2 Feb 2023]For Continuous Delivery, the IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain is removed from the product at IBM MQ 9.3.2.
  4. [MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022][MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]From IBM MQ 9.3.0, IBM MQ Explorer has been removed from the IBM MQ install package. It remains available as a separate download. For more information, see Installing and uninstalling IBM MQ Explorer as a stand-alone application on Linux and Windows.


  1. Log in as root, or with sufficient authority to run the following commands.

    You can do this by adding sudo before the commands, or by changing to the root user in the shell with the su command. For more information, see Exploring the differences between sudo and su commands in Linux.

  2. Optional: If your installation media is a downloadable installation image, obtained from Passport Advantage, you must decompress the tar.gz file and extract the installation files from the tar file:
    1. For example, if you download part number CC7K6ML, you decompress the file by using the following command:
      gunzip CC7K6ML.tar.gz
    2. Similarly, extract the installation files from the tar file by using the following command:
      tar -xvf CC7K6ML.tar
      Important: You must use GNU tar (also known as gtar) to unpack any tar images.
  3. Set your current directory to the location of the installation packages.

    The location might be a network location, or a local file system directory. See Where to find downloadable installation images.

  4. From IBM MQ 9.2.0, you have the option of accepting the license before or after installing the product. To accept the license before installing, run the mqlicense.sh script. The license agreement is displayed in a language appropriate to your environment and you are prompted to accept or decline the terms of the license:
    • To display the license agreement in the default manner, which uses an X-window where possible, use the following command:
    • To display the license agreement as text in the current shell, which can be read by a screen reader, use the following command:
      ./mqlicense.sh -text_only 
    See Accepting the license on IBM MQ for Linux for more information about license acceptance.
  5. Optional: [MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]Obtain the IBM MQ public signing gpg key and install it into rpm.
    rpm --import ibm_mq_public.pgp
    The IBM-provided RPMs are signed with a digital signature, and your system will not recognize that signature without further steps. This only needs to be done once for each system. For more information, see IBM MQ code signatures.
    The validity of any of the IBM MQ RPMs can then be verified, for example:
    # rpm -Kv MQSeriesRuntime-9.3.0-0.x86_64.rpm
        Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 0209b828: OK
        Header SHA1 digest: OK
        V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 0209b828: OK
        MD5 digest: OK
    Note: If you skip this step, then a harmless warning might be issued during RPM installation to indicate there is a signature but the system does not recognize the signing key, for example:
    warning: MQSeriesRuntime-9.3.0-0.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 0209b828: NOKEY
  6. Install IBM MQ.
    To support the running of a queue manager, you must install at least the MQSeriesRuntime and the MQSeriesServer components.
    Important: The components that you need to install might not all be in the same folder on the installation media. Some components might be under the /Advanced folder. For more information about installing IBM MQ Advanced components, see Installing IBM MQ Advanced for Multiplatforms.
    [MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]
    • From IBM MQ 9.3.0, install IBM MQ in the default location /opt/mqm by using the rpm -Uvh command:
      For example, to install all components that are available in your current location on the installation media to the default location, use the following command:
      rpm -Uvh MQSeries*.rpm
      To install the runtime and server components to the default location, use the following command:
      rpm -Uvh MQSeriesRuntime-*.rpm MQSeriesServer-*.rpm
    • Install IBM MQ in a non-default location by using the --prefix option. All of the IBM MQ components that you require must be installed in the same location:

      The installation path specified must be either an empty directory, the root of an unused file system, or a path that does not exist. The length of the path is limited to 256 bytes and must not contain spaces.

      For example, enter the following installation path to install the runtime and server components to the /opt/customLocation directory on a 64-bit Linux system:
      rpm --prefix /opt/customLocation -Uvh MQSeriesRuntime-*.rpm MQSeriesServer-*.rpm


You installed IBM MQ on your Linux system.

What to do next

  • If required, you can now set this installation to be the primary installation. Enter the following command at the command prompt:

    where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the directory where IBM MQ is installed.

    You can have only one primary installation on a system. If there is already a primary installation on the system, you must unset it before you can set another installation as the primary installation. For more information, see Changing the primary installation.

  • You might want to set up the environment to work with this installation. You can use the setmqenv or crtmqenv command to set various environment variables for a particular installation of IBM MQ . For more information, see setmqenv and crtmqenv.
  • If you want to confirm that the installation was successful, you can verify your installation. See Verifying an IBM MQ installation on Linux, for more information.
  • Only a user with a UID that is a member of the mqm group can issue administration commands. If you want to enable users to issue administration commands, they must be added to the mqm group. For more information, see Setting up the user and group on Linux and Authority to administer IBM MQ on AIX®, Linux, and Windows systems.