[IBM i]

Installing IBM MQ Java messaging and web services for IBM i

Install IBM® MQ Java messaging and web services for IBM i, using the RSTLICPGM command.

Before you begin

[MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022][MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022][Jakarta Messaging 3.0]From IBM MQ 9.3.0, Jakarta Messaging 3.0 is supported for developing new applications. IBM MQ 9.3.0 continues to support JMS 2.0 for existing applications. It is not supported to use both the JMS 2.0 API and the Jakarta Messaging 3.0 API in the same application.

You can install only one instance of IBM MQ Client for IBM i in each partition of your server.

If you have an older version of Java messaging and web services (5724L26) installed and want to install a newer version, you can install the new version without uninstalling the older one.

If you have MA88 installed (5648C60), and try to install anyway, the installation fails with a warning requesting you to uninstall the old client. To uninstall MA88, issue the following command:

If this command fails to delete the IFS directory /QIBM/ProdData/mqm/java and its subdirectories, use the EDTF command and select option 9 against the Java directory. For example:

EDTF STMF('/QIBM/ProdData/mqm')

About this task

This procedure covers the installation of both the Java messaging and web services, and the Java messaging and web services samples. If you do not want to install the samples, then do not complete the steps specific to the samples.

After following the optional step to pre-agree the license, and then issuing the RSTLICPGM command, the installation runs without requiring any interactive input.


  1. Sign on to the system with a user profile that has *ALLOBJ special authority, for example QSECOFR.
  2. Optional: Pre-agree the license terms and conditions. If you do not choose to pre-agree the license, the license agreement is displayed for you to accept. Run the following commands to pre-agree the license terms and conditions:
    1. For Java messaging and web services:
       CALL PGM (QSYS/QLPACAGR) PARM ('5724L26' 'V9R2M0' '0000' 0)
      The parameters of PARM are:
      The product identifier for IBM MQ Java messaging and web services for IBM i
      The version, release, and modification level
      The option number for the base IBM MQ Java messaging and web services product.
      Unused error structure
    2. For the samples:
       CALL PGM (QSYS/QLPACAGR) PARM ('5724L26' 'V9R2M0' '0001' 0)
      The parameters of PARM are:
      The product identifier for IBM MQ Java messaging and web services for IBM i
      The version, release, and modification level
      The option number for the samples.
      Unused error structure
  3. Issue the installation command to run the installation without requiring any interactive input:
    1. Install the IBM MQ Java messaging and web services by issuing the following command:
      RSTLICPGM LICPGM (5724L26) DEV (installation device) OPTION (*BASE) OUTPUT (*PRINT)
      The parameters of RSTLICPGM are:
      LICPGM (5724L26)
      The product identifier for IBM MQ Java messaging and web services for IBM i
      DEV (installation device)
      The device from which the product is to be loaded, typically an optical drive, for example, OPT01
      OPTION (*BASE)
      Install the base IBM MQ Java messaging and web services for IBM i
      Whether the spooled output of the job is printed
    2. Install the samples by issuing the following command:
      RSTLICPGM LICPGM (5724L26) DEV (installation device) OPTION (1) OUTPUT (*PRINT)
      The parameters of RSTLICPGM are:
      LICPGM (5724L26)
      The product identifier for IBM MQ Java messaging and web services for IBM i
      DEV (installation device)
      The device from which the product is to be loaded, typically an optical drive, for example, OPT01
      OPTION (1)
      Install the samples
      Whether the spooled output of the job is printed
  4. To ensure that the product has loaded correctly, issue the Display Software Resources (DSPSFWRSC) command and check that the licensed program 5724L26 is listed. If you have installed the base and the optional samples, you see:
    ID    Option Feature Description
    5724L26  *BASE  5050  IBM MQ Java Messaging and Web Services
    5724L26  1    5050  IBM MQ Java Messaging and Web Services - Samp
  5. Press F11 while viewing the Display Software Resources screen, and you see the library and version number of the products installed:
    Resource          Feature
    ID       Option Feature  Type   Library  Release
    5724L26  *BASE  5050     *CODE  QMQMJAVA V9R3M0
    5724L26  1      5050     *CODE  QMQMJAVA V9R3M0
  6. Check what versions you have installed by using the following commands:
    IBM MQ Classes for Java:
    java com.ibm.mq.MQJavaLevel
    Note: For this command to work, you might have to set your environment classpath to:
    • /QIBM/ProdData/mqm/java/lib/com.ibm.mq.jar
    IBM MQ Classes for Java Message Service:
    java com.ibm.mq.jms.MQJMSLevel
    Note: For this command to work, you might need to set your environment classpath to:
    • /QIBM/ProdData/mqm/java/lib/com.ibm.mq.jakarta.client.jar (Jakarta Messaging 3.0) or /QIBM/ProdData/mqm/java/lib/com.ibm.mq.allclient.jar (JMS 2.0)
    See Environment variables relevant to IBM MQ classes for Java and Environment variables used by IBM MQ classes for JMS.

    For IBM MQ for IBM i 9.2, both report:

    Note: The command uses the Java classes, and so it reports the version and also performs some verification that the classes are installed and working.
  7. See the following topics for full details of verification of both: