Enabling certificate validation and certificate revocation list support in native interceptors

You must modify the keystore configuration file so that Advanced Message Security can download CLRs from the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.

About this task

[IBM i]Enabling certificate validation and certificate revocation list support in native interceptors is not supported for Advanced Message Security on IBM® i.


Add the following options to the configuration file:
Note: All the CRL stanza are optional and can be specified independently.
Option Description
crl.ldap.host=host_name LDAP server host name.
crl.ldap.port=port_number LDAP server port number.

You can specify up to 11 servers. Multiple LDAP hosts are used to ensure transparent failover in case of LDAP connection failure. It is expected that all LDAP servers are replicas and contain the same data. When the AMS Java interceptor successfully connects to an LDAP server, it does not attempt to download CRLs from the remaining servers provided.

crl.cdp=off Use this option to check or use CRLDistributionPoints extensions in certificates.
crl.ldap.version=3 LDAP protocol version number. Possible values: 2 or 3.
crl.ldap.user=cn=username Log in to the LDAP server. If this value is not specified, CRL attributes in LDAP must be world-readable
crl.ldap.pass=password Password for the LDAP server.
[MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]crl.ldap.encrypted=no/yes Whether the clr.ldap.pass is encrypted or not. See Protecting passwords in AMS configuration files for more information.
crl.ldap.cache_lifetime=0 LDAP cache lifetime in seconds. Possible values: 0-86400.
crl.ldap.cache_size=50 LDAP cache size. This option can be specified only if the crl.ldap.cache_lifetime value is larger than 0.
crl.http.proxy.host=some.host.com Http proxy server port for CDP CRL retrieval.
crl.http.proxy.port=8080 Http proxy server port number.

The maximum size of CRL, in bytes, that can be retrieved from an HTTP server that is accepted by IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit).

crl.http.timeout=30 Waiting time for a server response, in seconds, after which AMS times outs.
crl.http.cache_size=0 HTTP cache size, in bytes.
crl.unknown=ACCEPT Defines the behavior when a CRL server cannot be reached within a timeout period. Possible values:
  • ACCEPT Allows the certificate
  • WARN Allows the certificate and logs a warning
  • REJECT Prevents the certificate from being used and logs an error