Before you start
Managed File Transfer (MFT) configuration uses files in z/OS® UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX) and PDSE data sets.
Most of the configuration and operation is done using JCL from a PDSE and you need to be familiar with working in a z/OS UNIX environment.
You can access OMVS from ISPF or you can use a Telnet type session using commands on your workstation, for example, Telnet Putty or SSH.
If you use OMVS from ISPF you can use the standard ISPF editor and browse commands oedit and obrowse.
You need to be familiar with the following z/OS UNIX commands
Command | Function |
chmod xxx path | Change files access permissions. |
df -k path | Reports how much free space remains in the files system. -k
reports the free space in KB. |
du -kt path | Reports the sizes of directories under path. Size reported in KB. |
find path -name xxx | Search for file named xxxx in the path directory. xxx is case
sensitive and can be like *zzz . |
ls -ltrd directory | Lists information about the specified directory rather than the files in the directory. |
ls -ltr path | Lists information about the files in path. |
obrowse filename | Browse the file name. |
oedit filename | Edit a file in OMVS. |
Review the items in the following table and complete the table with the appropriate entries for
your enterprise. You need these values when you edit member BFGCUSTM.
Name | Example data | Comments |
ADMIN_JOB1 | Job card. All jobs are generated with the same JCL card. | |
armELEMENT | If ARM is being used, use the ARM ELEMENT value specified in the ARM policy for this agent or logger. If ARM is not being used, set this parameter to blank; for example, armELEMENT= | |
armELEMTYPE | If ARM is being used, use the ARM ELEMTYPE specified in the ARM policy. For example, armELEMTYPE=SYSBFGAG for an agent or armELEMTYPE=SYSBFGLG for a logger. If ARM is not being used, set this parameter to blank; for example, armELEMTYPE= | |
BFG_DATA | Complete as necessary | |
BFG_JAVA_HOME | /java/java71_bit64_GA/J7.1_64/ | |
BFG_JVM_PROPERTIES | Complete as necessary | |
BFG_PROD | /mqm/V9R2M0/mqft | The full path to the mqft directory under the IBM® MQ for z/OS UNIX System Services Components directory. |
BFG_WTO | YES | To get an MFT message on the syslog. |
CLEAN_AGENT_PROPS | -trs | This parameter specifies the options that will be used to clean an agent when the BFGAGCL member is run. For more information on the valid values for this parameter, see fteCleanAgent: clean up an MFT Agent. |
coordinationQMgr | MQPV | Mandatory configuration |
CREDENTIAL_PATH | Used in migration | |
Db2®_HLQ | SYS2.Db2.V10 | |
DB_PROPS_PATH | Used in migration | |
FTE_CONFIG | Used in migration | |
JOBCARD1 | This is the job card for the long running tasks, agents and loggers. | |
LIBRARY | SCEN.FTE.JCL | Name of the MFT PDSE. You need a copy for each agent or logger task. |
MQ_HLQ | The high level qualifier for the IBM MQ data sets. For example MQM.V920 |
MQ_LANG | E | |
MQ_PATH | /mqm/V9R2M0 | The full directory path to the installation of IBM MQ for z/OS UNIX System Services Components. |
PATH | bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin | |
productId | ADVANCEDVUE | This parameter is used to set the product type for which Managed File Transfer usage is to be recorded. For information about the valid values for this parameter, see fteSetProductId: set z/OS SCRT recording product id. |
TMPDIR | /tmp | Read and write accessible z/OS UNIX path for temporary files. |
In addition you must review the following variables and supply values where necessary:
- coordinationQMgrHost=
- coordinationQMgrPort=
- coordinationQMgrChannel=
- connectionQMgr=
- connectionQMgrHost=
- connectionQMgrPort=
- connectionQMgrChannel=
Note: Host, Port, and Channel are required
for client connection but should be left blank for a bindings connection on the local machine.