
Adding personal certificates to a key repository on z/OS

Use this procedure to add or import a personal certificate to a key ring.

After the certificate authority sends you a new personal certificate, add it to the key ring using the following procedure:
  1. Add the certificate to the RACF® database using the following command:
    RACDCERT ID( userid2 ) ADD( input-data-set-name ) WITHLABEL(' label-name ')
  2. Connect the certificate to your key ring using the following command:
    RACDCERT ID( userid1 )
    CONNECT(ID( userid2 ) LABEL(' label-name ') RING( ring-name ) USAGE(PERSONAL))
  • userid1 is the user ID of the channel initiator address space or owner of the shared key ring.
  • userid2 is the user ID associated with the certificate and must be the user ID of the channel initiator address space.
  • ring-name is the name you gave the key ring in Setting up a key repository on z/OS.
  • input-data-set-name is the name of the data set containing the CA signed certificate. The data set must be cataloged and must not be a PDS or a member of a PDS. The record format (RECFM) expected by RACDCERT is VB. RACDCERT dynamically allocates and opens the data set, and reads the certificate from it as binary data.
  • label-name is the label name that was used when you created the original request. It must be either the value of the IBM® MQ CERTLABL attribute, if it is set, or the default ibmWebSphereMQ with the name of the queue manager or queue sharing group appended. See Digital certificate labels for details.