[MQ 9.2.0 Jul 2020]

Embedding the IBM MQ Console in an IFrame

The HTML <iframe> element can be used to embed one web page into another using an Inline Frame (IFrame). For security reasons the IBM® MQ Console can not be embedded into an IFrame by default. However, you can enable an IFrame by using the mqConsoleFrameAncestors configuration property on the mqweb server.

About this task

The mqweb server maintains an allowlist of origins of web pages that can embed the IBM MQ Console using an IFrame. An origin is a combination of a URL scheme, domain and port, for example, https://example.com:1234.

You can use the mqConsoleFrameAncestors configuration property on the mqweb server to specify the entries in the list.

By default, mqConsoleFrameAncestors is blank, which means that the IBM MQ Console can not be embedded in an IFrame.


Specify a list of origins of web pages, that can embed the IBM MQ Console in an IFrame, by entering the following command:
setmqweb properties -k mqConsoleFrameAncestors -v allowedOrigins
where allowedOrigins is a comma separated list of origins. Each origin should consist of:
  • A hostname or IP address
  • An optional URL scheme
  • An optional port number
Note that the host name can start with the wildcard character (*) and the port number can also use the wild card character (*).
Example origins are:
which allows any web page served from https://example.com:1234 to embed the IBM MQ Console in an IFrame.
which allows any HTTPS web page with a hostname ending with example.com, and using any port, to embed the IBM MQ Console in an IFrame.


The following example allows the IBM MQ Console to be embedded in an IFrame from web pages served from either https://site2.example.com:1234 or https://site2.example.com:1235:
setmqweb properties -k mqConsoleFrameAncestors -v 