Queue manager properties

You can set properties for both local and remote queue managers.

The tables on this page list all the properties that you can set for local and remote queue managers. For each property, there is a brief description of when you might need to configure the property. Where relevant, the tables also give the equivalent MQSC parameter for the ALTER and DISPLAY QMGR commands. For more information about MQSC commands, see Administration using MQSC commands.

Those properties for a queue manager that are changed through MQSC using the ALTER QMGR commands are the ones that are shown for both local and remote queue managers. Note, that the IBM® MQ Explorer does not show all the properties for remote queue managers.

Those properties that are defined in the qm.ini file, are the ones that are shown only for local queue managers. For example, the specification for the Recovery Logs and the XA apply to the qm.ini file, and so, is shown only for the local queue manager.

For lists of all the properties that you can set for both local and remote queue managers in the queue manager's properties dialog see the following tables:

[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]Some of these properties pages are available only on Multiplatforms queue managers.

[z/OS]Properties pages that are not available on z/OS® queue managers are indicated.

The properties that are marked with an asterisk (*) update configuration files so you can view and edit them when the queue manager is stopped. If you edit the marked properties when the queue manager is running, you must stop and restart the queue manager so that the changes take effect. You can edit the unmarked properties only when the queue manager is running. For more information about the configuration properties, see Changing queue manager configuration information.

[z/OS]The following tables list the system parameters that you can set for remote z/OS queue managers. These properties are not displayed in the Queue Manager properties dialog. They are included here because they are still properties of the queue manager. For more information, see Configuring z/OS queue manager system parameters.

For more information, see Administering IBM MQ and Administration using MQSC commands.


The following table lists the properties that you can set on the General page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. The properties marked with an asterisk (*) on the General page relate to stanzas in the configuration files.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
*Queue manager name Read-only. You cannot change the name of the queue manager after it has been created. QMNAME
*Platform Read-only. This is the architecture of the platform on which the queue manager is running. PLATFORM
Queue manager status Read-only. This property shows the status of the queue manager, which can be 1 of the following options:
  1. Running
  2. Starting
  3. Quiescing
Coded character set ID Read-only. This is the coded character set identifier (CCSID) for the queue manager. The CCSID is the identifier that is used with all character string fields defined by the API. The value must be defined for use on your platform and must use a character set that is appropriate to the platform. CCSID
Description Type a meaningful description of the purpose of the queue manager. See Entering strings in IBM MQ Explorer. DESCR
*Command level Read-only. This is the function level of the queue manager. CMDLEVEL
Version Read only. This is the version of IBM MQ installed. The format is VVRRMMFF:
  • VV: Version
  • RR: Release
  • MM: Maintenance level
  • FF: Fix level
[Windows]*Startup The Startup property controls how the selected queue manager is started. This property applies to Windows only. There are four options for the Startup property.

Select Automatic to start the queue manager automatically when the IBM MQ Series service starts. This is the default value.

Select Automatic, permitting multiple instances of the queue manager, to start the queue manager automatically when the IBM MQ Series service starts. For more information, see the sax option of CSQM507E.

Select Interactive (manual) to start the queue manager manually through IBM MQ Explorer. The queue manager runs under the logged on user (the interactive user). The queue manager will automatically stop when the interactive user logs off.

Select Service (manual) to start the queue manager manually through IBM MQ Explorer. The queue manager runs as a child of the MQ Services service. The queue manager will not automatically stop when the interactive user logs off.

(Not applicable.)
Command server control To configure the command server so that it starts automatically when the queue manager starts, click Queue Manager; to configure the command server so that it does not start automatically and must be started manually, click Manual. SCMDSERV
Channel init control To configure the channel initiator so that it starts automatically when the queue manager starts, click Queue Manager; to configure the channel initiator so that it does not start automatically and must be started manually, click Manual. SCHINIT


The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Extended page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. The Default bind type property on the Extended page relates to the DefaultBindType stanza key in the configuration files.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Dead-letter queue Select the name of the queue that the queue manager uses as the dead-letter queue. DEADQ
Trigger interval Type the number of milliseconds, from 0 to 999999999, that the queue manager must wait between triggering messages for a queue. This property is used only when the Trigger type property in the Queue properties is set to First. TRIGINT
Max uncommitted messages Type the maximum number of uncommitted messages within a syncpoint, from 1 to 999999999, to limit the number of messages that can be retrieved and put within any single syncpoint. This property is not used for messages that are put or retrieved outside syncpoint. MAXUMSGS
Max handles Type the maximum number of open handles, from 0 to 999999999, that any one task can have at the same time. MAXHANDS
Max message length Type the maximum length of messages, from 32 KB to 100 MB, that is allowed on queues on the queue manager. The default value is 4 MB (4 194 304 bytes). If you reduce the maximum message length for the queue manager, you must also reduce the maximum length of the SYTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE definition, and all other queues that are connected to the queue manager. This ensures that the queue manager's limit is not less than the limit of any of the queue manager's queues. If you do not do this, and applications inquire only the value of the queue's Max message length property, the applications might not work properly. MAXMSGL
Max properties length This value controls the size in bytes of the property data that can flow with messages in a V7 queue manager. If the size of the properties exceeds the maximum properties length then the message is rejected. MAXPROPL
Max priority Read-only. This is the maximum priority of the queue manager, which is 9. MAXPRTY
Message mark browse interval Type the time interval in milliseconds after which the queue manager automatically unmarks browsed messages. The interval can be set to a maximum of 999999999 milliseconds. The interval can also be set to Unlimitedusing the value -1, or set in MQSC using the term "NOLIMIT". The default value is 5000.
Attention: You should not reduce the value below the default of 5000.
Command input queue Read-only. This is the name of the system-command input queue. Suitably authorized applications can put commands on this queue. COMMANDQ
Syncpoint Read-only. This property states whether syncpoint is available with the queue manager. Syncpoint is always available on the following platforms:
  • [AIX, Linux, Windows]AIX®, Linux®, and Windows
  • [z/OS]z/OS
Distribution lists Read-only. This property states whether the queue manager supports distribution lists. This property is valid only on Multiplatforms. DISTL
AIX and Linux ( only) Application group The Application group option specifies the application group that clients connecting should belong to. The default is to not belong to an application group. (Not applicable.)
*Default bind type This is the default bind type that is used if the application does not specify a bind type on the MQCNO parameter of the MQCONNX call. Select SHARED, or ISOLATED. (Not applicable.)
*Error log size Specify the size of the queue manager error log at which the log is copied to the backup. The value must be 1048576 - 2147483648 bytes. The default value is 262144 bytes (256 KB). (Not applicable.)
*Excluded messages Your IBM MQ system might produce a large number of information messages if the system is heavily used. You can therefore exclude certain messages if required. Type the message ID of each message that is not to be written to the queue manager error log. Enter a comma-separated list of message IDs from the following list:
  • [IBM i]7163 - Job started message (IBM i only)
  • 7234 - Number of messages loaded
  • 9001 - Channel program ended normally
  • 9002 - Channel program started
  • 9202 - Remote host not available
  • 9524 - Remote queue manager unavailable
  • 9528 - User requested closure of channel
  • 9999 - Channel program ended abnormally
(Not applicable.)
*Suppressed messages Your IBM MQ system might produce a large number of information messages if the system is heavily used. You can prevent selected messages being sent to the console or to the hardcopy log if required. Type the message ID of each message that will be written to the queue manager error log only once in a specified time interval. The time interval is specified in the Suppressed Messages Interval property. Enter a comma-separated list of message IDs from the following list:
  • 7163 - Job started message (IBM i only)
  • 7234 - Number of messages loaded
  • 9001 - Channel program ended normally
  • 9002 - Channel program started
  • 9202 - Remote host not available
  • 9524 - Remote queue manager unavailable
  • 9528 - User requested closure of channel
  • 9999 - Channel program ended abnormally

If the same message ID is specified in both the Excluded Messages and the Suppressed Messages properties, the message is excluded.

(Not applicable.)
*Suppressed messages interval Type the time interval, in seconds, in which messages that are specified in the Suppressed Messages property will be written to the queue manager error log only once. The value must be 1 - 86400 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds. (Not applicable.)
Custom The Custom parameter is included for IBM use only, reserved for the configuration of new features before separate properties have been introduced. The possible values are a list of zero or more properties-value pairs, in MQSC-style syntax, separated by at least one space.
The property names and values are case-sensitive, and must be specified in uppercase. The values can contain spaces, parentheses and single-quotes (which must be escaped with another single-quote). Other characters, including nested parentheses (), can be included by enclosing them in two single-quotes on either side. Examples of valid syntax are:
  • CUSTOM('')
  • CUSTOM('A(B)')
  • CUSTOM('C(D) E(F)')
  • CUSTOM('G(5000) H('''')')

The queue manager parses the value, but if the string cannot be parsed according to these rules, or if it contains properties or values that are not recognized, the queue manager ignores the errors.

[z/OS]Opening shared queues (z/OS only) When a queue manager makes an MQOPEN call for a shared queue and the queue manager that is specified in the ObjectQmgrName parameter of the MQOPEN call is in the same queue sharing group as the processing queue manager, the Opening shared queues property specifies whether the ObjectQmgrName is used or whether the processing queue manager opens the shared queue directly. Use the queue manager specified in ObjectQmgrName means that the ObjectQmgrName is used, and the appropriate transmission queue is opened; Use the local queue manager means that the processing queue manager opens the shared queue directly, which can reduce the traffic in your queue manager network. SQQMNAME
[z/OS]Intra-group queuing (z/OS only) Specify whether intra-group queuing is used. To use the shared transmission queue (SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE) when queue managers within a queue sharing group exchange messages, click Enabled; to use non-shared transmission queues and channels when queue managers within a queue sharing group exchanged messages, click Disabled. If you disable intra-group queuing, the same mechanism for message transfer is used as when the queue managers are not part of a queue sharing group. IGQ
[z/OS]IGQ user ID (z/OS only) Specify a user identifier to be used by the IGQ agent to establish authority to put messages to a destination queue. The queue manager must be a member of a queue sharing group to use this property. To specify that the user ID of the receiving queue manager within the queue sharing group is to be used as the IGQ user ID, leave the field blank. IGQUSER
[z/OS]IGQ authority check type (z/OS only) Specify the type of authority checking and, therefore, the user identifiers, to be used by the IGQ agent. This establishes the authority to put messages to the destination queue. The queue manager must be a member of a queue sharing group to use this property. To specify that the default user ID is used to establish authority, click Default; to specify that the IGQ user ID and the ALT user ID is used to establish authority, click Alternate or IGQ; to specify that only the IGQ user ID is used to establish authority, click Only IGQ; to specify that the user ID from the UserIdentifier field in the message descriptor, of a message on the SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE queue, is used to establish authority, click Context. IGQAUT
[z/OS]Expiry interval (z/OS only) Type the approximate value in seconds that specifies how often queues are scanned to discard expired messages. the value must be 1 - 99999999. The minimum scan interval is 5 seconds, even if you specify a lesser value 1 - 4. Specify an interval of 0 to ensure that the queues are not scanned; this is the default value. EXPRYINT
[z/OS]Security profile case (z/OS only) Specify whether the queue manager supports security profile names in mixed case or in uppercase only. Select Mixed to specify that security names can be in uppercase or in mixed case. Select Upper to specify that security profile names must be in uppercase. This is the default value. SCYCASE
[z/OS]Group units of recovery (z/OS only) This property can have a value of either Enabled or Disabled. The value can only be set to Enabled if the system has been configured correctly, otherwise an error is returned. Enabled is the default value.

The system programmer must use the code specified to identify which configuration check failed. They must then take corrective action and then reissue the ALTER QMGR command.

When you enable group units of recovery (GROUPUR support) a number of configuration checks are performed to ensure that the configuration steps have been completed. You cannot enable this support if any of these checks fail.

These checks are also performed when the queue manager starts if the GROUPUR queue manager property is enabled. If one of these checks fails during startup, then group units of recovery will be disabled until you correct the error and re-enable the GROUPUR queue manager property.

For more information, see CSQM507E.

[z/OS]Loss of coupling facility connectivity (z/OS only) Specifies the action taken when the queue manager loses connectivity to the administration structure or any CF structures with CFCONLOS set to As queue manager. The two options are:
  • Terminate. This is the default value. The queue manager terminates when connectivity to CF structures is lost.
  • Tolerate. The queue manager tolerates a loss of connectivity to CF structures and does not terminate. Tolerate can only be set if all queue managers in the queue sharing group are at command level 710 or later.
[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

Exits (Multiplatforms)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Exits page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To configure the queue manager to run user exits, edit the properties on the Exits page. The properties on the Exits page relate to stanzas in the configuration files.

Property Meaning Stanza key
*Exit default path If the queue manager is 32 bit, type the path to the location in which exits for this queue manager are stored by default. ExitsDefaultPath
*Exit default path (64 bit) If the queue manager is 64 bit, type the path to the location in which exits for this queue manager are stored by default. ExitsDefaultPath64
*Local API Exits Add details of the local API exits that you want to use with this queue manager. ApiExitLocal
*Name Specifies the descriptive name of the API exit that is passed to the API exit in the ExitInfoName field of the MQAXP structure. This name must be unique and is limited to a length of 48 characters, and must contain only those characters that are valid for the name of IBM MQ objects, such as queue names. Name
*Type Specifies the type of exit: queue manager, or override. (Not a separate stanza key.)
*Sequence This property is an unsigned numeric value that defines the sequence in which this API exit is called in comparison with other API exits. An API exit with a low sequence number is called before another API exit with a higher sequence number. The order in which different API exits with the same sequence number are called is undefined. It is perfectly valid for there to be gaps in the sequence numbers of the API exits defined for a queue manager. Sequence
*Module Specifies the module that contains the code for the API exit. If this field contains the full path name of the module it is used as is. If this field contains just the module name, the module is located using the same method as channel exits; that is, using the value in the Exit default path field on the Exits page of the queue manager properties dialog. Module
*Function Specifies the name of the function entry-point into the module that contains the code for the API exit. This entry-point is the MQ_INIT_EXIT function. The length of this field is limited to MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH. Function
*Data If this property is specified, leading and trailing blanks are removed, the remaining string is truncated to 32 characters, and the result is passed to the exit in the ExitData field of the MQAXP structure. If this property is not specified, the default value of 32 blanks is passed to the exit in the ExitData field of the MQAXP structure. Data


The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Cluster page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To configure the cluster properties of the queue manager, edit the properties on the Cluster page.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Cluster membership Read-only. This table lists the names of the clusters to which the queue manager belongs. (Not applicable.)
Cluster workload exit The exit is called when a message is put on a cluster queue. Type the name of the cluster workload exit:
  • [AIX][Linux]On AIX and Linux systems, use the format libraryname(functionname). The maximum length is 128 characters.
  • [Windows]On Windows, use the format dllname(functionname), where dllname is specified without the .dll suffix. The maximum length is 128 characters.
  • [z/OS]On z/OS, type the load module name. The maximum length is 8 characters.
  • [IBM i]On IBM i, use the format progname libname, where progname occupies the first 10 characters, and libname occupies the second 10 characters. Add spaces at the end of shorter names to bring them up to 10 characters. The maximum length is 20 characters.
Cluster workload data Type the data to be passed to the cluster workload exit when the exit is called. The maximum length of the data is 32 characters. CLWLDATA
Cluster workload length Type the maximum number of bytes of message data that is passed to the cluster workload exit:
  • [Windows]On Windows, type a number from 0 to 104857600 (100 MB).
  • On other platforms, type a number from 0 to 999999999.
Max outbound cluster channels Type the maximum number of outbound cluster channels. For more information, see Distributed queuing and clusters. CLWLMRUC
Cluster workload mode The cluster workload exit, CLWL, allows you to specify which cluster queue in the cluster is to be opened in response to an MQI call (for example MQOPEN or MQPUT). The default value is SAFE, which means that the CLWL exit is run in a separate process to the queue manager so that if there is a problem, the integrity of the queue manager is preserved. However, running the CLWL exit as a separate process can have a detrimental effect on performance. To improve performance by running the CLWL exit in the same process as the queue manager, click FAST. Use FAST mode only if you are certain that there are no problems with your CLWL exit because if there is a problem in FAST mode, the queue manager fails and the queue manager's integrity is at risk. The value set for the queue manager will override the value set for the machine-wide configuration. CLWLMode
CLWL use queue This property specifies whether the queue manager can choose from remote instances of cluster queues as well as local instances. If the queue manager receives a message by way of a cluster channel, the message is put on a local instance of the cluster queue; if the queue manager receives a message locally or by way of a non-cluster channel, and the value of this property is Any, the message is put on either local or remote instances of the cluster queue. To enable the queue manager to use remote instances of cluster queues, click Any; to prevent the queue manager using remote instances of cluster queues, click Local. For more information, see Distributed queuing and clusters. CLWLUSEQ
Default cluster transmission queue The default transmission queue type that is used by clustering to transfer messages to other queue managers in the cluster. Messages are transferred by cluster-sender channels.

The default value of this property is SCTQ. The queue manager uses a single transmission queue to transfer all cluster messages. The transmission queue is SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE.

To send messages to each queue manager, in each cluster, using a different transmission queue, set the value of Default cluster transmission queue to Queue for each channel. The queue manager automatically creates a transmission queue if it needs one to send a message to another queue manager in a cluster. The queue is permanent-dynamic. It is created from the model queue SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.MODEL.QUEUE. The name of each transmission queue is SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.ChannelName. ChannelName is the name of the cluster-sender channel that transfers messages from the queue.



The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Repository page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To specify that the queue manager hosts the repository for one or more clusters, edit the properties on the Repository page.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Not a cluster full repository To specify that the queue manager is not a full repository for a cluster, select this option. (Not applicable.)
Full repository for a cluster To make this queue manager a full repository for just one cluster, select this option, then type the name of the cluster. REPOS
Full repository for a list of clusters To make this queue manager a full repository for more than one cluster, select this option, then type the name of the cluster. REPOSNL


The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Communication page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To configure how the queue manager sends and receives messages, edit the properties on the Communication page.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Default transmission queue Type the name of the default transmission queue on which messages that are destined for a remote queue manager are put if there is no other suitable transmission queue defined. The queue named must be a local transmission queue, but not the cluster transmission queue. DEFXMITQ
Channel auto definition To enable receiver- and server-connection channels to be defined automatically, click Enabled; to prevent receiver- and server-connection channels being defined automatically, click Disabled. Cluster-sender channels can always be defined automatically, regardless of the setting of this property. CHAD
Channel auto definition exit The exit is called when an inbound request for an undefined receiver, server-connection, or cluster-sender channel is received. The exit is also called when starting a cluster-receiver channel. Type the name of the channel auto-definition exit:
  • [AIX][Linux]On AIX and Linux, use the format libraryname(functionname). The maximum length is 128 characters.
  • [Windows]On Windows, use the format dllname(functionname), where dllname is specified with the .dll suffix. The maximum length is 128 characters.
  • [IBM i]On IBM i, use the format progname libname, where progname occupies the first 10 characters and libname occupies the second 10 characters. Add spaces at the end of shorter names to bring them up to 10 characters. The maximum length is 20 characters.
  • [z/OS]On z/OS, type the load module name. The maximum length is eight characters.
Channel authentication To exercise more precise control over the access granted to connecting systems at a channel level, you can use channel authentication records. IBM WebSphere® MQ 7.1, and later, queue managers are created using channel authentication by default. If you migrate a queue manager to IBM WebSphere MQ 7.1 from an earlier release, channel authentication is not enabled. To enable channel authentication, use the command ALTER QMGR CHLAUTH(ENABLED) CHLAUTH
Reverse lookup of host name Controls whether reverse lookup of the host name from a Domain Name Server (DNS) is done for the IP address from which a channel has connected. This property only has an effect on channels using a transport type (TRPTYPE) of TCP.

If you are using channel authentication rules with CHLAUTH(ENABLED) and you have defined any rules that use a DNS host name in the ADDRESS field of the rule, these rules will never match an inbound channel if REVDNS is set to DISABLED.

Changes to this parameter take effect the next time a channel starts up. Channels that have already obtained host name information by reverse looking up an IP address retain this information.

IP address version To specify that the queue manager uses the IPv6 protocol, click IPV6; to specify that the queue manager uses the IPv4 protocol, click IPV4. IPADDRV
Activity recording If a queue manager application performs some work on behalf of a message in which activity reports were requested, the queue manager can generate an activity report. You can use this activity report to work out where the message went in the queue manager network. To prevent queue manager applications generating activity reports, click Disabled; to enable queue manager applications to generate activity reports, click Message or Queue. If you click Message, a queue manager application that generates an activity report puts the report on the queue that the originator of the message requested in the ReplyToQ and ReplyToQMgr fields of the message descriptor; if you click Queue, a queue manager application that generates an activity report puts the report on the system queue SYSTEM.ADMIN.ACTIVITY.QUEUE. If you make changes to this property, you must stop and restart any channels to which you want the changes to apply. ACTIVREC
Trace-Route recording You can use Trace-Route messages to determine the routes that messages take through a queue manager network. Participating queue manager applications can generate information about the route and put the information in activity reports. The queue manager applications can also add the information to the Trace-Route message itself, depending on the options set in the Trace-Route message. The Trace-Route message can then accumulate chronological information about the route. The Activity recording property specifies on which queue the activity reports are put. The Trace-route recording property controls the accumulation of information in the Trace-Route message itself. To prevent the queue manager appending route information within the Trace-Route message and from returning information in reply messages, click Disabled. To enable queue manager applications to add the route information to the Trace-Route message, click Message or Queue. If you click Message and a queue manager application generates a reply message containing the accumulated route information from the Trace-Route message, the queue manager application puts the reply message on the queue that the originator of the message requested in the ReplyToQ and ReplyToQMgr fields of the message descriptor; if you click Queue and a queue manager application generates a reply message containing the accumulated route information from the Trace-Route message, the queue manager application puts the reply message on the system queue SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ROUTE.QUEUE. If you make changes to this property, you must stop and restart any channels to which you want the changes to apply. ROUTEREC


The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Events page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To configure the queue manager to generate events in response to certain criteria, edit the properties on the Events page.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Authority events When an application tries to open a queue for which the application does not have the required authority, the queue manager can generate an authorization event message. To generate authorization event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating authorization event messages, click Disabled. AUTHOREV
Inhibit events When an application tries to put a message on a queue that is put-inhibited, or to get a message from a queue that is get-inhibited, the queue manager can generate an inhibit event message. To generate inhibit event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating inhibit event messages, click Disabled. INHIBTEV
Local events When an application or the queue manager has not been able to access an object, for example because the object has not been defined, the queue manager can generate a local event message. To generate local event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating local event messages, click Disabled. LOCALEV
Remote events When an application or the queue manager cannot access a queue on another queue manager, for example the transmission queue is not correctly defined, the queue manager can generate a remote event message. To generate remote event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating remote event message, click Disabled. REMOTEEV
Start and stop events When a queue manager starts, or has been requested to stop or quiesce, the queue manager can generate a start and stop event message. To generate start and stop event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating start and stop messages, click Disabled.

[z/OS]z/OS supports only start.

Performance events When a resource reaches a threshold condition, for example a queue depth limit has been reached, the queue manager can generate a performance event message. To generate performance event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating performance event messages, click Disabled. PERFMEV
Command events When an MQSC command or PCF command is executed successfully, the queue manager can generate command event messages. To generate command event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating command events, click Disabled; to generate command event messages except DISPLAY MQSC commands and Inquire PCF commands, click No Display. CMDEV
Channel events When the queue manager detects certain conditions on a channel, for example the channel starts or stops, the queue manager can generate channel event messages. To generate channel event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating channel event messages, click Disabled. CHLEV
Channel auto definition events When a channel is automatically generated, the queue manager can generate a channel auto-definition event message. To generate channel auto-definition event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating channel auto-definition event messages, click Disabled. CHADEV
SSL events When a channel that uses TLS security fails to establish an TLS connection, the queue manager can generate an SSL event message. To generate SSL event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating SSL event messages, click Disabled. SSLEV
Configuration events When an object is created or modified, the queue manager can generate a configuration event message. To generate configuration event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating configuration event messages, click Disabled. CONFIGEV
[z/OS]Bridge events (z/OS only) When an IMS bridge starts or stops, the queue manager can generate a bridge event message. To generate bridge event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating bridge event messages, click Disabled. BRIDGEEV
Logger events When a queue manager is configured to use linear logging, the queue manager can be configured to generate a logger event message when changes are written to the IBM MQ recovery log. To generate logger event messages, click Enabled; to prevent the queue manager generating logger event messages, click Disabled. LOGGEREV


The following table lists the properties that you can set on the SSL page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To configure the queue manager and its channels to use TLS security, edit the properties on the SSL page.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Key repository Type the full path to the key repository for the queue manager. SSLKEYR
Certificate label   CERTLABL
[z/OS]Queue sharing group certificate label [z/OS]  [z/OS]CERTQSGL
Revocation namelist Type the name of the revocation namelist. The revocation namelist can contain a mixture of authentication information objects from either, or both, of the following types:
  • CRL LDAP authentication information objects, which store connection information for LDAP servers that contain Certification Revocation Lists (CRLs).
  • Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) authentication information objects, which store connection information for OCSP responders.
Cryptographic hardware To configure your cryptographic hardware, click Configure In the Cryptographic hardware settings dialog, enter the details of your cryptographic hardware. SSLCRYP
SSL Reset Count Type the number of unencrypted bytes, from 0 to 999999999, that are sent and received within an TLS conversation before the secret key is renegotiated. A value of 0 means that the secret key is never renegotiated. The number of bytes includes control information that is sent by the message channel agent (MCA). If the value of this property is greater than 0 and the value of the Heartbeat interval property in the Channel properties is greater than 0, the secret key is also renegotiated before message data is sent or received following a channel heartbeat. SSLRKEYC
SSL FIPS required To specify whether only FIPS-certified cryptographic algorithms are to be used (if the cryptography is performed in IBM MQ rather than cryptographic hardware), click Yes. To specify that any cryptographic algorithm can be used, click No. SSLFIPS
OCSP authentication The OCSP authentication setting dictates the outcome of a connection in the event of an 'Unknown' response from the OCSP call.
  • Required: IBM MQ rejects the connection.
  • Optional: The connection is allowed to succeed.
  • Warn: The connection is also allowed to succeed and IBM MQ issues a message of type AMQ9717 into the error logs.
OCSP check extensions The OCSP check extensions property controls whether the OCSP server details in AuthorityInfoAccess certificate extensions, are used to perform a digital revocation check. There are 2 possible values for the property:
  • Yes: A digital certificate revocation check is performed. This is the default value.
  • No: A digital certificate revocation check is not performed.
SSL HTTP proxy name The SSL HTTP proxy name is either the host name or network address of the HTTP proxy server which is to be used by IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) for OCSP checks. This address can optionally be followed by a port number, enclosed in parentheses. If you do not specify the port number, the default HTTP port, 80, is used. N/A
Suite B strength The Suite B strength property controls whether Suite B encryption is used. There are four possible values for the property:
  • 128-bit
  • 192-bit
  • none
  • 128-bit and 192-bit
Certificate validation policy The certificate validation policy property controls which TLS certificate validation policy is used to validate digital certificates received from remote partners. There are two possible values for the property:
  • ANY
  • RFC5280
Changes to this property take effect only after a refresh security command has been issued. For information about how to refresh security in the IBM MQ Explorer, see Refreshing TLS security.


The following table lists the properties on the Statistics page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. The Statistics page displays the information about the history of the queue manager. You cannot edit any of these properties.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Creation date Read-only. This is the date on which the queue was created. CRDATE
Creation time Read-only. This is the time at which the queue was created. CRTIME
Alteration date Read-only. This is the date on which the queue's properties were last altered. ALTDATE
Alteration time Read-only. This is the time at which the queue's properties were last altered. ALTTIME
QMID Read-only. This is the internally-generated unique name of the queue manager. QMID

Online monitoring

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Online monitoring page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To collect data about the current performance of the queue manager's channels and queues, edit the properties on the Online monitoring page.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Channel monitoring This property specifies whether to collect online monitoring data about the current performance of channels hosted by the queue manager. To switch off online monitoring data collection for the queue manager's channels that have the value Queue Manager in their Channel monitoring property, click Off; to switch off online monitoring data collection for all the queue manager's channels regardless of the setting of the channel's Channel monitoring property, click None. To specify a low rate of data collection, with a minimal effect on system performance, for channels that have the value Queue Manager in their Channel monitoring property, click Low; to specify a moderate rate of data collection, with limited effect on system performance, for channels that have the value Queue Manager in their Channel monitoring property, click Medium; to specify a high rate of data collection, with a likely effect on system performance, for channels that have the value Queue Manager in their Channel monitoring property, click High. MONCHL
Queue monitoring This property specifies whether to collect online monitoring data about the current performance of queues hosted by the queue manager. To switch off online monitoring data collection for the queue manager's queues that have the value Queue Manager in their Queue monitoring property, click Off; to switch off online monitoring data collection for all the queue manager's queues regardless of the setting of the queue's Queue monitoring property, click None. To specify a low rate of data collection, with a minimal effect on system performance, for queues that have the value Queue Manager in their Queue monitoring property, click Low; to specify a moderate rate of data collection, with limited effect on system performance, for queues that have the value Queue Manager in their Queue monitoring property, click Medium; to specify a high rate of data collection, with a likely effect on system performance, for queues that have the value Queue Manager in their Queue monitoring property, click High. MONQ
Auto CLUSSDR monitoring This property specifies whether to collect online monitoring data about the current performance of auto-defined cluster-sender channels. To inherit from the value of the queue manager's Channel monitoring property, click Queue Manager; to switch off data collection for auto-defined cluster-sender channels on the queue manager, click None; to specify a low rate of data collection with a minimal effect on system performance, click Low (the data that is collected is unlikely to be the most current); to specify a moderate rate of data collection with limited effect on system performance, click Medium; to specify a high rate of data collection with a likely effect on system performance, click High (the data that is collected is the most current available). MONACLS
Activity trace override This property specifies whether applications can override the value of the queue manager property ACTVTRC. Valid values are Enabled and Disabled. When Enabled is selected, applications can override the settings of the ACTVTRC parameter by using the options field of the MQCNO structure of the MQCONNX API call. When Disabled is selected, applications cannot override the settings of the ACTVTRC parameter. Disabled is the default value for this parameter. Changes to this parameter are effective for connections to the queue manager that occur after the change. This parameter is valid only on Multiplatforms. ACTVCONO
Activity trace This property specifies whether MQI application activity tracing information is to be collected. Valid values are On and Off. When On is selected, MQI application activity tracing information collection is enabled. If queue manager property ACTVCONO is set to Enabled, the value of this parameter can be overridden using the options field of the MQCNO structure. When Off is selected, MQI application activity tracing information collection is disabled. Off is the default value for this parameter. Changes to this parameter are effective for connections to the queue manager that occur after the change. This parameter is valid only on Multiplatforms. ACTVTRC
[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

Statistics monitoring (Multiplatforms)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Statistics monitoring page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To collect statistical data on the activity of the queue manager, edit the properties on the Statistics monitoring page.

[z/OS] For z/OS Statistics monitoring settings, see Statistics monitoring (z/OS).

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
MQI Statistics To collect MQI statistics data for the queue manager, click On; to prevent MQI statistics monitoring data collection for the queue manager, click Off. STATMQI
Queue Statistics This property specifies whether to collect statistics data about the activity of queues hosted by the queue manager. To switch on statistics data collection for the queue manager's queues, click On; to switch off statistics data collection for the queue manager's queues that have the value Queue Manager in their Queue statistics property (see Queue properties), click Off; to switch off statistics data collection for all the queue manager's queues regardless of the setting of the queue's Queue statistics property, click None. STATQ
Channel Statistics This property specifies whether to collect statistics data about the activity of channels hosted by the queue manager. To switch off statistics data collection for the queue manager's channels that have the value Queue Manager in their Channel statistics property (see Channel properties), click Off; to switch off statistics data collection for all the queue manager's channels regardless of the setting of the channel's Channel statistics property, click None. To specify a low rate of data collection, with a minimal effect on system performance, for channels that have the value Queue Manager in their Channel statistics property, click Low; to specify a moderate rate of data collection, with limited effect on system performance, for channels that have the value Queue Manager in their Channel statistics property, click Medium; to specify a high rate of data collection, with a likely effect on system performance, for channels that have the value Queue Manager in their Channel statistics property, click High. STATCHL
Auto CLUSSDR Statistics This property specifies whether to collect statistics data about the activity of auto-defined cluster-sender channels. To inherit from the value of the queue manager's Channel statistics property, click Queue Manager; to switch off data collection for auto-defined cluster-sender channels on the queue manager, click None; to specify a low rate of data collection, click Low (the data that is collected is unlikely to be the most current); to specify a moderate rate of data collection, click Medium; to specify a high rate of data collection, click High (the data that is collected is the most current available). STATACLS
Statistics Interval Type the interval, in seconds, between writing the statistics monitoring data to the monitoring queue. The default value is 1800 seconds (30 minutes). STATINT
[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

Accounting monitoring (Multiplatforms)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Accounting monitoring page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To collect data about the activity of a connection, edit the properties on the Accounting monitoring page.

[z/OS]For z/OS Account monitoring settings, see Accounting monitoring on z/OS.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
MQI accounting To collect MQI accounting data for the queue manager, click On; to prevent MQI accounting monitoring data collection for the queue manager, click Off. ACCTMQI
Queue accounting This property specifies whether to collect accounting data about the activity of connections for queues hosted by the queue manager. To enable accounting data collection for the queue manager's queues, click On; to disable accounting data collection for the queue manager's queues that have the value Queue Manager in their Queue accounting property (see Queue properties), click Off; to disable accounting data collection for all the queue manager's queues regardless of the setting of the queue's Queue accounting property, click None. ACCTQ
Accounting interval Type the interval, in seconds, between writing the accounting monitoring data to the monitoring queue. The default value is 1800 seconds (30 minutes). ACCTINT
Accounting conn override Applications can override the MQI accounting property and the Queue accounting property using the Connect options in MQCONNX calls. To enable applications to override the properties, click Enabled; to prevent applications overriding the properties, click Disabled. ACCTCONO
[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

Log (Multiplatforms)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Log page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To configure the log settings for the queue manager, edit the properties on the Log page. The properties on the Log page relate to stanzas in the configuration files.

[z/OS]For z/OS log settings, see Log (z/OS only).

Property Meaning Stanza key
*Log type Read-only. This property shows the type of logging that the queue manager uses. You cannot change the type of logging after the queue manager is created. LogType
*Log path Read-only. This property shows the location of the queue manager's logs. You cannot change the value of the Log path property after the queue manager is created. LogDefaultPath
*Log file pages Read-only. This property shows the number of 4 KB pages in the log file. For example, if the value is 256, the file size is 1 MB.

The default value is 4096, the file size 16 MB.

*Log primary files These are the log files that are allocated when the queue manager is created.

[AIX][Linux]On AIX and Linux, type the number, from 2 to 510, of primary log files. The default value is 3. The total number of primary and secondary log files must not exceed 511 and must not be less than 3.

[Windows]On Windows, type the number, from 2 to 254, of primary log files. The default value is 3. The total number of primary and secondary log files must not exceed 255 and must not be less than 3.

The value is examined when the queue manager is created or started. You can change the value after the queue manager has been created but the change is not effective until the queue manager is restarted.

*Log secondary files These are the log files that are allocated when the primary files are exhausted.

[AIX][Linux]On AIX and Linux, type the number, from 1 to 509, of secondary log files. The default value is 3. The total number of primary and secondary log files must not exceed 511 and must not be less than 3.

[Windows]On Windows, type the number, from 1 to 253, of secondary log files. The default value is 3. The total number of primary and secondary log files must not exceed 255 and must not be less than 3.

*Log buffer pages Type the number, from 0 to 4096, of 4 KB buffer pages for writing. If you type a number from 1 to 17, the minimum of 18 (72 KB) is used. If you type a number from 18 to 4096, that number of pages is used. If you type 0, the queue manager selects the size.

[Windows]On Windows, for IBM WebSphere MQ 7.0 and later, this is 512 (2048 KB).

The default value is 0 (Which the queue manager selects as 512 (2048 KB). If you change the value of this property, restart the queue manager to apply the change.

*Log write integrity This is the method that the logger uses to reliably write log records. If you are using a non-volatile write cache (for example, ssa write cache enabled), it is safe for the logger to write log records in a single write, so click SingleWrite; if you need to write log records with more integrity, click DoubleWrite to use an additional write; if you need to write log records with complete integrity but at the cost of performance, click TripleWrite to use another additional write. LogWriteIntegrity
Log management The method used to manage your logs. LogManagement applies only when LogType is LINEAR.

If you change the LogManagement value, the change does not take effect until the queue manager is restarted.

There are three options.

Manual, where you manage the log extents manually. Specifying this option means that the queue manager does not reuse or delete log extents, even when they are no longer required for recovery.

Automatic, where log extents are managed automatically by the queue manager. Specifying this option means that the queue manager is able to reuse or delete log extents as soon as they are no longer required for recovery. No allowance is made for archiving.

Archive, where log extents are managed by the queue manager, but you must notify the queue manager when archiving of each log extent is complete.

Specifying this option means that the queue manager is free to reuse or delete a log extent, as soon as the queue manager has been notified that an extent no longer required for recovery has been archived.

The default value is Manual.

[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

XA resource managers (Multiplatforms)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the XA resource manager page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. The XA resource manager page displays properties to edit if the queue manager coordinates its own units of work along with database updates; for example, the name of the resource manager (the database) and the location of the switch file, which helps IBM MQ communicate with the database. The properties on the XA resource manager page relate to the XAResourceManager stanza in the configuration files.

Property Meaning Stanza key
*Name Type the name of the resource manager (the database). Name
*SwitchFile Type the location of the switch file, which helps IBM MQ to communicate with the database. SwitchFile
*XAOpenString You can type a string of data that IBM MQ passes in its calls to the database manager's xa_open function. IBM MQ and the queue manager call the xa_open function when the queue manager starts and when you make the first call to MQBEGIN in your IBM MQ application process. The default is a zero-length string. XAOpenString
*XACloseString You can type a string of data that IBM MQ passes in its calls to the database manager's xa_close function. IBM MQ and the queue manager call the xa_close function when the queue manager starts and when you make a call to MQDISC in your IBM MQ application process, having earlier made a call to MQBEGIN. The default is a zero-length string. It is common to have a zero-length string. XACloseString
*ThreadOfControl The queue manager uses this value for serialization purposes. If the database client allows threads to call the XA functions without serialization, the value for ThreadOfControl can be THREAD. If the database client does not allow threads to call its XA functions in this way, the value for ThreadOfControl must be PROCESS. The default is PROCESS. ThreadOfControl
[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

Installable services (Multiplatforms)

The following table lists the properties on the Installable services page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. The Installable services page displays information about the installable services installed on your computer. By default, only the authorization service, OAM, is shown. The properties on the Installable services page relate to the Service stanza in the configuration files. For more information, see Configuring services and components.

Property Meaning Stanza key
*Service name Read-only. This is the name of the service. Name
*Service entry points Read-only. This is the number of entry points that are defined for the service, including the initialization and termination entry points. EntryPoints
*Security policy Read-only. This is the security policy for the queue manager. Default means that the default security policy is used; NTSIDs Required means that a Windows security identifier is passed to the OAM when performing security checks. SecurityPolicy
*ServiceComponents Read-only. This is a list of the service components installed on your computer. ServiceComponents
*Name Read-only. This is the name of the component. component_name
*Service Read-only. This is the name of the installable service. service_name
*Data size Read-only. This is the size, in bytes, of the component data area passed to the component on each call. A value of 0 is used if no component data is required. size
*Module Read-only. This is the path to the module that contains the code for the component. module_name


The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Channels page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To configure the behavior of the queue manager's channels, edit the properties on the Channels page.

[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]Channel properties for Multiplatforms

On Multiplatforms, the properties on the Channels page relate to stanzas in the configuration files. You cannot edit this properties on remote distributed queue managers.

Property Meaning Stanza key
*Max channels Type the maximum number of channels, from 1 to 9 999, that can be current (including server-connection channels with connected clients).

[z/OS]For z/OS, the value must be between 1 and 9999, with a default value of 200.

For all other platforms, the value must be between 1 and 65535, with a default value of 100.

On a production system, you could use, for example, the value 1000. If the value of this property is reduced, any current channels that exceed the new limit continue to run until they stop.

*Max active channels Type the maximum number of channels that can be active at any one time. The default is the value specified for the MaxChannels property.

[z/OS]For z/OS, the value must be between 1 and 9999.

For all other platforms, the value must be between 1 and 65535.

*Max initiators Type the maximum number of initiators allowed. The default and maximum value is 3. MaxInitiators
*MQI bind type Select the type of connection that channels use to connect to applications. To connect using a standard connection, click STANDARD; to connect without using an agent process, click FASTPATH. MQBindType
*Adopt new MCA This property specifies whether an orphaned MCA instance is adopted (restarted) when a new inbound channel request is detected that matches the value of the Adopt new MCA check property.

To adopt all channel types, type All. If a FASTPATH channel cannot be safely ended, it is not ended and the adoption fails.

If you do not require orphaned channels to be adopted, type No.
*Adopt new MCA check This property specifies which elements are checked to determine whether an MCA should be adopted when a new inbound channel is detected with the same name as an already active MCA. Type one or more of the following values separated by commas:
  • To check the queue manager name and the network address to prevent your channels from being inadvertently shut down, type ALL
  • To check the network address, type ADDRESS
  • To check the queue manager name, type NAME
  • To check the user ID that the queue manager is running under, type QM
  • To do no checking, type NONE
*Adopt new MCA timeout Type the number of seconds, from 1 to 3600, that the new process must wait for the old process to end. The default value is 60. AdoptNewMCATimeout
*Pipeline length To allow an MCA to transfer messages using multiple threads, type the number of concurrent threads that the channel will use. The default is 1; if you type a value greater than 1, it is treated as 2. Make sure that you configure the queue manager at both ends of the channel to have a Pipeline length that is greater than 1. Pipelining is effective only for TCP/IP channels. PipeLineLength

[z/OS]Channel properties for z/OS

On z/OS, the channel properties are not configuration properties; they are just ordinary queue manager properties like all the other properties in the z/OS queue manager properties dialog.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Active channels Type the maximum number of channels, from 1 to 9999, that can be active at any one time. The default value is 200. The value must not be greater than the value of MAXCHL that defines the maximum number of channels allowed. ACTCHL
Channel initiator adapters Specify the number of adapter subtasks, from 0 to 9999, to use for processing IBM MQ calls. As a guide, the ratio of adapters to dispatchers should be approximately 8 to 5. However, if you have only a small number of channels, you do not have to decrease the value of this parameter from the default value. Suggested settings: 8 (default) for a test system; 20 for a production system. Specifying a value of 20 adapters gives greater parallelism of IBM MQ calls. This is important for persistent messages. Specifying fewer adapters might be better for nonpersistent messages. CHIADAPS
Adopt new MCA check This property specifies which elements are checked to determine whether an MCA should be adopted when a new inbound channel is detected with the same name as an already active MCA. Enter one or more of the following values separated by commas. To check the queue manager name and the network address to prevent your channels from being inadvertently shut down, click ALL; to check the network address, click Network address; to check the queue manager name, click Queue manager name; to do no checking, click NONE. ADOPTCHK
Adopt new MCA type This property specifies whether an orphaned instance of an MCA of a particular channel type should be restarted automatically when a new inbound channel request matching the adopt new MCA check parameters is detected. This property is read-only. ADOPTTYPE
Channel initiator dispatchers Specify the number of dispatchers to use for the channel initiator, from 1 to 9999. As a guideline, allow one dispatcher for every 50 current channels. If you have a small number of channels, however, use the default value of 5. If you are using TCP/IP, the maximum number of dispatchers used for TCP/IP is 100, even if you specify a large value for this property. You are recommended to specify a value of 20 on production systems in order to handle up to 1000 active channels. Restart the channel initiator to apply changes to this property. CHIDISPS
Register with WLM This parameter is no longer used. It must have the value No. DNSWLM
Listener timer Specify the time interval, in seconds from 5 to 9999, between attempts by IBM MQ to restart the listener after an APPC or TCP/IP failure. When the listener is restarted on TCP/IP, it uses the same port and IP address as it used when it first started. Changes to this property take effect for listeners that are subsequently started. Listeners that are currently started are unaffected by changes to this property. LSTRTMR
Channels using LU6.2 Specify the maximum number of channels that can be current, or clients that can be connected, that use the LU 6.2 transmission protocol. Type a value from 0 to 9999. If you type 0, the LU 6.2 transmission protocol is not used. The value must not be greater than the value of MAXCHL that defines the maximum number of channels allowed. LU62CHL
Maximum channels Type the maximum number of channels, from 0 to 9999, that can be current (including server-connection channels with connected clients). The default value is 200. On a production system, you could use, for example, the value 1000. If the value of this property is reduced, any current channels that exceed the new limit continue to run until they stop. The values of ACTCHL, LU62CHL, and TCPCHL must not be greater than the maximum number of channels. MAXCHL
Lowest port address Type the lowest port number, from 0 to 65535, to be used when binding outgoing channels. When all the port numbers between the value of the Lowest port address property and the Highest port address property have been used, outgoing channel bind to any available port number. The default is 0, which means that all outgoing channels bind to any available port number. Changes to this property take effect for channels that are subsequently started. Channels that are currently running are unaffected by changes to this property. OPORTMIN
Highest port address Type the highest port number, from 0 to 65535, to be used when binding outgoing channels. When all the port numbers between the value of the Lowest port address property and the Highest port address property have been used, outgoing channel bind to any available port number. The default is 0, which means that all outgoing channels bind to any available port number. Changes to this property take effect for channels that are subsequently started. Channels that are currently running are unaffected by changes to this property. OPORTMAX
Receive timeout Specify the approximate length of time that a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner before returning to the inactive state. This property applies only to message channels, and not MQI channels. See also the Receive timeout type property for more information. RCVTIME
Receive timeout type Set this property to specify how the value of the Receive timeout property is interpreted. To specify that the Receive timeout value is a multiplier to be applied to the negotiated Heartbeat interval value to determine how long a channel is to wait, set the Receive timeout type property to Multiply, then specify a Receive timeout value of zero or in the range 2 through 99 (if you specify zero, the channel does not time out its wait to receive data from its partner); to specify that Receive timeout value is the number of seconds to be added to the negotiated Heartbeat interval value to determine how long a channel is to wait, set Receive timeout type to Add, then specify a Receive timeout value in the range 1 through 999999; to specify that the Receive timeout value is the number of seconds that the channel is to wait, set Receive timeout type to Equal, then specify an Receive timeout value in the range zero through 999999 (if you specify zero, the channel does not time out its wait to receive data from its partner). RCVTTYPE
Minimum receive timeout Type the minimum length of time, in seconds from 0 to 999999, that a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner before returning to an inactive state. This property applies only to message channels, and not to MQI channels. If you use the Receive timeout type property to specify that the TCP/IP channel wait time is relative to the negotiated value of the channel's Heartbeat interval value and the resultant value is less than the value of this property, the value of this property is used. RCVTMIN
Channels using TCP Type the maximum number of channels that can be current, or clients that can be connected, that use the TCP/IP transmission protocol. Type a value from 0 to 9 999 (although note that TCP/IP might not support as many as 9 999 channels). If you type 0, the TCP/IP transmission protocol is not used. The value must not be greater than the value of MAXCHL that defines the maximum number of channels allowed. TCPCHL
TCP keepalive Specify whether the Keepalive facility is used to check that the other end of the connection is still available. If it is not available, the channel is closed. To specify that the Keepalive facility is not to be used, click No; to specify that the Keepalive facility is to be used as specified in the TCP profile configuration data set, click Yes (the interval is specified in the Keepalive Interval property on the Extended page of the Channel properties). TCPKEEP
TCP stack type To specify that the channel initiator uses only the TCP/IP address space that is specified in the TCP name property, click Single; to specify that the channel initiator can use multiple TCP/IP address spaces, and the default value is the value of the TCP name property, click Multiple. TCPSTACK
Channel initiator trace auto start To specify that the channel initiator trace starts automatically, click Yes; to specify that the channel initiator trace does not start automatically, click No. Changes to this parameter take effect when the channel initiator is restarted. If you need to start or stop channel initiator trace without restarting the channel initiator, use the Trace dialog after the channel initiator has started. To open the Trace dialog, in the Navigator view, right-click IBM MQ, then click Trace TRAXSTR
Channel initiator trace table size Type the size, in megabytes from 2 to 2048, of the channel initiator's trace data space. Note that changes to this property take effect immediately; any existing trace table contents are lost. When you use large z/OS data spaces, ensure that sufficient auxiliary storage is available on your system to support any related z/OS paging activity. You might also need to increase the size of your SYS1.DUMP data sets. TRAXTBL
DNS group name This parameter is no longer used. DNSGROUP
LU group name Type the generic LU name to be used by the LU 6.2 listener that handles inbound transmissions for the queue sharing group. The maximum length of this parameter is 8 characters. If this name is blank, the listener cannot be used. Changes to this property take effect for listeners that are subsequently started. Listeners that are currently started are unaffected by changes to this property. LUGROUP
LU name Type the name of the LU to use for outbound LU 6.2 transmissions. Set this to be the same as the name of the LU to be used by the listener for inbound transmissions. The maximum length of this parameter is 8 characters. If this name is blank, the APPC/MVS default LU name should be used. This is variable, so the LU name property should always be set if you are using LU 6.2. LUNAME
LU6.2 member name suffix Type the suffix of the APPCPM member of SYS1.PARMLIB. This suffix nominates the LUADD for this channel initiator.  
TCP name Type the name of either the only, or the default, TCP/IP system to be used, depending on the value of the TCP stack type property. This is the name of the z/OS UNIX System Services stack for TCP/IP, as specified in the SUBFILESYSTYPE NAME parameter in the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. The default value is TCPIP. The maximum length of this parameter is eight characters. Changes to this parameter take effect when the channel initiator is restarted. TCPNAME
Channel initiator service parm This parameter is reserved for use by IBM. CHISERVP
[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

TCP (Multiplatforms)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the TCP page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. If the queue manager uses the TCP/IP transport protocol to communicate with other queue managers, edit the properties on the TCP page. The properties on the TCP page relate to stanzas in the configuration files.

Property Meaning Stanza key
*TCP port Type the port number for TCP/IP sessions. The default is 1414.
The TCP port setting sets the qm.ini TCP port stanza for the queue manager. This is used to control the two following things:
  1. A channel with a CONNAME that does not specify a port number uses this port number.
  2. The command: runmqlsr -t tcp -m YOUR_QM_NAME uses this port number where YOUR_QM_NAME is the name of your queue manager.
*TCP library 1 Type the name of the TCP/IP socket's DLL. The default is WSOCK32. Library1
*TCP library 2 If there are two TCP/IP sockets, type the name of the second TCP/IP socket's DLL; if there is only one TCP/IP socket, type the same name as for the TCP library 1 property. The default is WSOCK32. Library2
*TCP keepalive TCP can check periodically that the other end of the connection is still available. If the connection is not still available, the connection is closed. To configure TCP to perform these checks, click YES; to prevent TCP performing these checks, click NO. The default is YES. KeepAlive
*TCP listener backlog Type the maximum number of outstanding connection requests. The default value is -1 which resolves to the default value on the operating system.

[Windows][Linux]The default is 100 on Windows and Linux (x86 and x86-64 platforms).

[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

LU6.2 (Multiplatforms)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the LU6.2 page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. If the queue manager uses the LU 6.2 transport protocol to communicate with other queue managers, edit the properties on the LU6.2 page. The properties on the LU6.2 page relate to stanzas in the configuration files.

Property Meaning Stanza key
*LU6.2 TP name Type the TP name to start on the remote site. TPName
*LU6.2 library 1 Type the name of the APPC DLL. The default is WCPIC32. Library1
*LU6.2 library 2 If there are two APPCs, type the name of the second APPC DLL; if there is only one APPC, type the same name as for the LU6.2 library 1 property. The default is WCPIC32. Library2
*LU6.2 local LU Type the name of the logical unit to use on local systems. LocalLU
[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

NetBIOS (Multiplatforms)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the NetBIOS page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. If the queue manager uses the NetBIOS transport protocol to communicate with other queue managers, edit the properties on the NetBIOS page. The properties on the NetBIOS page relate to stanzas in the configuration files.

Property Meaning Stanza key
*NetBIOS local name Type the name by which this computer will be known on the local area network (LAN). LocalName
*NetBIOS number of sessions Type the number of sessions to allocate. The default is 1. NumSession
*NetBIOS number of names Type the number of names to allocate. The default is 1. NumNames
*NetBIOS adapter number Type the number of the LAN adapter to use. The default is 0. AdapterNum
*NetBIOS number of commands Type the number of commands to allocate. The default is 1. NumCommands
*NetBIOS library 1 Type the name of the NetBIOS DLL. The default is NETAPI32. Library1
[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

SPX (Multiplatforms)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the SPX page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. If the queue manager uses the SPX transport protocol to communicate with other queue managers, edit the properties on the SPX page. The properties on the SPX page relate to stanzas in the configuration files.

Property Meaning Stanza key
*SPX socket Type the SPX socket number in hex. The default is SE86. Socket
*SPX library 1 Type the name of the SPX DLL. The default is WSOCK32. Library1
*SPX library 2 If there is a second SPX, type the name of the second SPX DLL; if there is only one SPX, type the same name as for the SPX library 1 property. The default is WSOCK32. Library2
*SPX keepalive SPX can check periodically that the other end of the connection is still available. If the connection is not still available, the connection is closed. To configure SPX to perform these checks, click YES; to prevent SPX performing these checks, click NO. The default is YES. KeepAlive
*SPX board number Type the number of the LAN adapter to use. The default is 0. BoardNum


The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Publish/Subscribe page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. The Publish/Subscribe page replaces the cfgmqbrk application that was supplied with previous versions of IBM MQ. To configure the queue manager for publish/subscribe messaging, edit the properties on the Publish/Subscribe page. The properties on the Publish/Subscribe page relate to stanzas in the configuration files. For more information about the individual stanzas, see Configuring services and components.

Property Meaning MQSC Parameter
Publish/Subscribe mode The Publish/Subscribe mode is used to allow coexistence with Publish/Subscribe engines in earlier versions of the product. The three options are:

Compatibility which means that the V7 Publish/Subscribe engine is enabled, but the queued Publish/Subscribe interface is disabled. This means that the V7 Publish/Subscribe engine can coexist with the existing Publish/Subscribe engines. This is the default value for existing queue managers.

Enable which means that the V7 Publish/Subscribe engine is enabled and the queued Publish/Subscribe interface is enabled. This is the default value for newly created queue managers.

Disabled which means that all Publish/Subscribe functions are disabled.

Message Retry Count The number of times that the channel retries to connect to the remote queue manager before it decides that it cannot deliver the message to the remote queue. This property controls the action of the MCA only if the Message retry exit name property is blank. If the Message retry exit name property is not blank, the value of the Message retry count property is passed to the exit for the exit's use but the number of times that the channel retries to connect is controlled by the exit, not by the Message retry count property. The maximum value is 999999999, and the default value is 5. MRRTY
Publish/Subscribe syncpoint This option defines whether messages will be processed under syncpoint. The two options are:

If persistent. The message is processed under syncpoint if the message is persistent. This is the default value.

Yes. All messages are processed under syncpoint.

Undelivered non-persistent input message This property defines what the Pub/Sub engine should do with non-persistent input messages that are not delivered. The two options are:

Discard. The undelivered non-persistent message is discarded. This is the default value.

Keep. The undelivered non-persistent message is not discarded. The Pub/Sub Engine will continue to retry to process this message at appropriate intervals and does not continue processing subsequent messages.

Undelivered non-persistent response This property defines what the Pub/Sub engine should do with non-persistent responses that are not delivered. The four options are:

Discard. The undelivered non-persistent response is discarded if it cannot be placed on the reply queue.

Keep. The undelivered non-persistent response is not discarded or put on the dead-letter queue. The Pub/Sub Engine will back out the current operation and then retry it at appropriate intervals and does not continue processing subsequent messages.

Normal. Non-persistent responses which cannot be placed on the reply queue are put on the dead-letter queue. If they cannot be placed on the DLQ then they are discarded. This is the default value.

Safe. Non-persistent responses which cannot be placed on the reply queue are put on the dead-letter queue. If the response cannot be sent and cannot be placed on the dead-letter queue then the Pub/Sub Engine will back out of the current operation and then retry at appropriate intervals and does not continue processing subsequent messages.

Tree lifetime The lifetime, in seconds of non-administrative topics. When this non-administrative node no longer has any active subscriptions, this parameter determines how long the queue manager will wait before removing that node.

Only non-administrative topics that are in use by a durable subscription remain after the queue manager is recycled. Specify a value in the range 0 through 604000. A value of 0 means that non-administrative topics are not removed by the queue manager. The queue manager's initial default value is 1800.

Parent The name of the parent queue manager to which the local queue manager is to connect as its child in a hierarchy. If the field is left empty, then the queue manager has no parent queue manager, and if there is an existing parent queue manager it is disconnected.

Before a queue manager can connect to a queue manager as its child in a hierarchy, channels must exist in both directions, between the parent queue manager and the child queue manager.

Publish exit path The module name containing the publish exit code. The maximum length of this field is 128 characters. The default is no publish exit. N/A
Publish exit function The name of the function entry point into the module containing the publish exit code. The maximum length of this field is 128 characters. N/A
Publish exit data If the queue manager is using a publish exit, it invokes the exit passing an MQPSXP structure as input. The data specified using this property is provided in the ExitData field. The maximum length of this field is 128 characters. The default is 32 blank characters. N/A
Publish/Subscribe clustering Controls whether this queue manager participates in Publish/Subscribe clustering. The two options are:

Enabled which means that this queue manager can participate in Publish/Subscribe clustering. This is the default value for newly created queue managers.

Disabled which means that this queue manager cannot participate in Publish/Subscribe clustering.


Archive (z/OS)

The following table lists the queue manager's system log archive properties, or parameters, which are displayed in the Initial table of the queue manager's Archive dialog. The values in the Initial table were applied when the queue manager loaded the system parameter module at startup. You can temporarily change and override some of the values while the queue manager is running; the new values are displayed in the Set table. The parameters that you can override are marked with an asterisk (*). For details of the properties in the Archive tape record table, see Archive tape.

The equivalent MQSC property for the SET ARCHIVE command is shown for each parameter. For more information about the SET ARCHIVE command, see SET ARCHIVE.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Parameter type This property shows which type of information is displayed in the table. The Initial table displays the initial values that were applied when the queue manager loaded the system parameter module at startup. The Set table displays any values that have been manually overridden since the queue manager started. (Not applicable.)
*Allocation unit Specify the unit in which primary and secondary space allocations are made: Cylinders, Tracks, or Blocks. The default is Blocks. ALCUNIT
*Archive prefix 1 Specify the prefix for the first archive log data set name. See the Time stamp format property for a description of how the data sets are named and for restrictions on the length of the prefix. The default prefix is CSQARC1. ARCPFX1
*Archive prefix 2 Specify the prefix for the second archive log data set name. See the Time stamp format property for a description of how the data sets are named and for restrictions on the length of the prefix. The default prefix is CSQARC2. ARCPFX2
*Archive retention period Specify the retention period, in days from 0 to 9999, to be used when the archive log data set is created. The default is 9999. ARCRETN
*Routing code Specify the list of z/OS routing codes for messages to the operator about archive log data sets. This field is ignored if the value of the Waiting for reply property is No. Type up to 14 routing codes, each with a value from 1 to 16, separated by commas. Specify at least one code. ARCWRTC
*Waiting for reply Specify whether a message is to be sent to the operator and a reply is received before attempting to mount an archive log data set. Other IBM MQ users might be forced to wait until the data set is mounted, but they are not affected while IBM MQ is waiting for the reply to the message. If the device needs a long time to mount archive log data sets, for example a tape drive, click Yes; If the device does not have long delays, for example DASD, click No. ARCWTOR
*Block size Type the block size, from 4097 to 28672 (rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4 096), of the archive log data set. The block size must be compatible with the device type that you specify for the Archive unit 1 property. This parameter is ignored for data sets that are managed by the storage management subsystem (SMS). BLKSIZE
*Catalog Specify whether archive log data sets are cataloged in the primary integrated catalog facility (ICF) catalog. To archive log data sets that are cataloged, click Yes; to archive log data sets that are not cataloged, click No. The default is No. CATALOG
*Compact Specify whether data written to archive logs is to be compacted. This option applies only to a 3480 or 3490 device that has the improved data recording capability (IDRC) feature. When this feature is turned on, hardware in the tape control unit writes data at a much higher density than normal, allowing for more data on each volume. If you want the data to be compacted, click Yes; if you do not use a 3480 device with the IDRC feature or a 3490 base model, with the exception of the 3490E, click No. COMPACT
*Primary space allocation Specify the primary space allocation for DASD data sets in the unit that you specified in the Allocation units property. The value must be from 1 to 999. See z/OS System Setup Guide for a guide to determining the necessary value. PRIQTY
*Secondary space allocation Specify the secondary space allocation for DASD data sets in the unit that you specified in the Allocation units property. The value must be greater than zero. SECQTY
*Protect Specify whether archive log data sets are to be protected by discrete ESM (external security manager) profiles when the data sets are created. Click Yes to create discrete data set profiles after the logs offload process ends. ESM protection must be active for IBM MQ, the user ID associated with the IBM MQ queue manager address space must have authority to create these profiles, and the TAPEVOL class must be active if you are archiving to tape. If you do not want to create profiles, click No. PROTECT
*Quiesce interval Specify the maximum number of seconds, from 1 to 999, allowed for the quiesce when an ARCHIVE LOG command is issued with MODE(QUIESCE) specified. QUIESCE
*Time stamp format Specify whether the archive log data set name has a time stamp in it. To include a time stamp in the name, click Yes or Extended, depending on the format that you want to use. If you do not want to include a time stamp in the name, click No. For more information about the formats, see SET ARCHIVE. TSTAMP
*Archive unit 1 Specify the device type or unit name of the device that is used to store the first copy of the archive log data set. UNIT
*Archive unit 2 Specify the device type or unit name of the device that is used to store the second copy of the archive log data set. UNIT2

Archive tape (z/OS)

The following table lists the archive tape properties, which are used in the queue manager's archive tape records. The archive tape records are listed in the Archive tape records table in the queue manager's Archive dialog. You cannot edit these values.

Parameter Meaning
Parameter type This property shows which type of information is displayed in the table. The Initial table displays the initial values that were applied when the queue manager loaded the system parameter module at startup. The Set table displays any values that have been manually overridden since the queue manager started.
Tape unit address The physical address of the tape unit that is allocated to read the archive log.
Tape unit status The status of the tape unit. Busy means that the tape unit is busy actively processing an archive log data set; Premount means that the tape unit is active and allocated for premounting; Available means that the tape unit is available, inactive, and waiting for work; Unknown means that the status of the tape unit is unknown.
Log correlation ID The correlation ID associated with the user of the tape that is being processed. This is blank if there is no current user.
Tape volume serial number The volume serial number of the tape that is mounted.
Data set name The data set name on the tape volume that is being processed, or was last processed.

Statistics monitoring (z/OS)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Statistics monitoring page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To collect statistical data on the activity of the queue manager, edit the properties on the Statistics monitoring page.
Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Channel statistics This property specifies whether to collect statistics data about the activity of channels that are hosted by the queue manager. The statistics data is written to SMF. To switch off statistics data collection for the channels of the queue manager that have the value Queue Manager in their Channel statistics property, click Off. To switch off statistics data collection for all the queue manager's channels regardless of the setting of the channel's Channel statistics property, click None. To enable data collection for channels that have the value Queue Manager in their Channel statistics property, plus data collection for server-connection channels, click Low, Medium, or High. For more information about editing the Statistics page channel properties, see Statistics page. STATCHL
Auto CLUSSDR Statistics This property specifies whether to collect statistics data about the activity of auto-defined cluster-sender channels. The statistics data is written to SMF. To inherit from the value of the queue manager's Channel statistics property, click Queue Manager; to switch off data collection for auto-defined cluster-sender channels on the queue manager, click None; to enable data collection, click Low, Medium; or High. STATACLS

Accounting monitoring (z/OS)

The following table lists the properties that you can set on the Accounting monitoring page of the Queue Manager properties dialog. To collect data about the activity of a connection, edit the properties on the Accounting monitoring page.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Queue accounting This property specifies whether to collect accounting data about the activity of connections for queues hosted by the queue manager. To enable accounting data collection for the queue manager's queues, click On; to disable accounting data collection for the queue manager's queues that have the value Queue Manager in their Queue accounting property (see Queue properties), click Off; to disable accounting data collection for all the queue manager's queues regardless of the setting of the queue's Queue accounting property, click None. ACCTQ

Log (z/OS)

The following table lists the queue manager's system log properties, or parameters, which are displayed in the Initial table of the queue manager's Log dialog. The values in the Initial table were applied when the queue manager loaded the system parameter module at startup. You can temporarily change and override some of the values while the queue manager is running; the new values are displayed in the Set table. The parameters that you can override are marked with an asterisk (*). For details of the properties in the Log copy record table, see Log copy.

The equivalent MQSC property for the SET LOG command is shown for each parameter. For more information about the SET LOG command, see SET LOG.

Parameter Meaning MQSC parameter
Parameter type This property shows which type of information is displayed in the table. The Initial table displays the initial values that were applied when the queue manager loaded the system parameter module at startup. The Set table displays any values that have been manually overridden since the queue manager started. (Not applicable.)
*Deallocation interval Specify the length of time, in minutes, that an allocated archive read tape unit is allowed to remain unused before it is deallocated. The value can be from zero to 1440. If the value is zero, the tape unit is deallocated immediately; if the value is 1440, the tape unit is never deallocated. DEALLCT
*Log compression Specifies the log data compression technique for persistent message logging.

NONE means that log compression is not enabled. This is the default value.

RLE means that run-length encoding log compression is enabled.

ANY means that any compression algorithm supported by the queue manager is enabled. In IBM WebSphere MQ 7.0.1 and later, the only compression algorithm available for value ANY is RLE.

*Maximum number of log archives Specify the maximum number of archive log volumes that can be recorded in the BSDS. MAXARCH
*Maximum number of tape units Specify the maximum number of dedicated tape units that can be allocated to read archive log tape volumes. This overrides the value for MAXRTU set by CSQ6LOGP in the archive system parameters. This, together with the Deallocation interval property, allows IBM MQ to optimize archive log reading from tape devices. MAXRTU
Input buffer size Specifies the size of input buffer storage for active and archive log data sets. INBUFF
Output buffer size Specifies the size of output buffer storage for active and archive log data sets. OUTBUFF
*Output buffer count Specifies the number of output buffers to be filled before they are written to the active log data sets. WRTHRSH
Log archive Specifies whether archiving is on or off. Yes means that archiving is on; No means that archiving is off. OFFLOAD
Dual logging used Specifies whether dual logging is being used. Yes means that dual logging is being used; No means that dual logging is not being used. TWOACTV
Dual archive logging used Specifies whether dual archive logging is being used. Yes means that dual archive logging is being used; No means that dual archive logging is not being used. TWOARCH
Dual BSDS used Specifies whether dual BSDS is being used. Yes means that dual BSDS is being used; No means that dual BSDS is not being used. TWOBSDS
[MQ 9.2.0 Jul 2020]zHyperWrite enabled [MQ 9.2.0 Jul 2020]Specifies whether writes to active log data sets use zHyperWrite if the data sets are zHyperWrite capable. Yes means that zHyperWrite is being used; No means that zHyperWrite is not being used. [MQ 9.2.0 Jul 2020]ZHYWRITE

Log copy (z/OS)

The following table lists the log copy properties, which are used in the queue manager's log copy records. The log copy records are listed in the Log copy records table in the queue manager's Log dialog. You cannot edit these values.

Parameter Meaning
Log copy number The number of the copy.
Log used The percentage of the active log data set that has been used.
Data set name The data set name of the active log data set. If the copy is not currently active, this is returned as blank.
[MQ 9.2.0 Jul 2020]zHyperWrite capable [MQ 9.2.0 Jul 2020]Whether the log data set is capable of being written to, using zHyperWrite. You need to enable the queue manager for zHyperWrite for this to occur.

Security (z/OS)

The following table lists the queue manager's system-wide security properties, or parameters. You can change two of the values; the parameters that you can change are marked with an asterisk (*). For details of the properties in the Security switch table, see Security switch.

The equivalent MQSC property for the ALTER SECURITY command is shown for each parameter. For more information about the ALTER SECURITY command, see ALTER SECURITY.

Parameter Meaning MQSC parameter
*Security timeout Type, in minutes from 0 to 10080 (one week), how long security information about an unused user ID and associated resources is retained by IBM MQ. If you type 0, and the value of the Security interval property is not zero, all such information is discarded by the queue manager every Security interval. TIMEOUT
*Security interval Type, in minutes from 0 to 10080 (one week), the interval between checks for user IDs and their associated resources to determine whether the Security timeout has expired. If you type 0, no user timeouts occur. INTERVAL

Security switch (z/OS)

The following table lists the security switch properties, which are used in the queue manager's security switch messages. The security switch messages (one per security switch) are listed in the Security switch table in the queue manager's Security dialog. You cannot edit these values.

Parameter Meaning
Security switch The name of the security switch.
Security setting The current setting of the security switch, and whether the profile that caused the setting is present. For example, the security switch could be set off because the relevant profile was not found.
Security profile The name of the profile that caused the current security setting.

System (z/OS)

The following table lists the queue manager's system properties, or parameters, which are displayed in the Initial table of the queue manager's System dialog. The values in the Initial table were applied when the queue manager loaded the system parameter module at startup. You can temporarily change and override some of the values while the queue manager is running; the new values are displayed in the Set table. The parameters that you can override are marked with an asterisk (*).

The equivalent MQSC property for the DISPLAY SYSTEM command is shown for each parameter. For more information about the DISPLAY SYSTEM command, see DISPLAY SYSTEM.

Parameter Meaning MQSC parameter
Parameter type This property shows which type of information is displayed in the table. The Initial table displays the initial values that were applied when the queue manager loaded the system parameter module at startup. The Set table displays any values that have been manually overridden since the queue manager started. (Not applicable.)
Connection swap Whether or not batch jobs can currently be swapped out during some MQ API calls.

[MQ 9.2.0 Jul 2020]From IBM MQ 9.0 this keyword has no effect. It is no longer returned by IBM MQ 9.1, or later, queue managers as applications are always made non-swappable during IBM MQ API calls, but has been retained in IBM MQ Explorer for compatibility with IBM MQ 8.0, and earlier, queue managers.

Command user ID Specifies the default user ID for command security checks. CMDUSER
*Excluded operator messages A list of messages excluded from being written to any log. EXCLMSG
Exit interval Specifies the time, in seconds, for which queue manager exits can execute during each invocation. EXITLIM
Exit tasks Specifies how many started server tasks to use to run queue manager exits. EXITTCB
*Checkpoint count Specify the number of log records, from 200 to 16000000, that IBM MQ writes between the start of one checkpoint and the next. IBM MQ starts a new checkpoint after the number of records that you specify has been written. LOGLOAD
XCF group name Specifies the name of the XCF group to which this instance of IBM MQ belongs. OTMACON = (Group)
XCF member name Specifies the name of the XCF member to which this instance of IBM MQ belongs. OTMACON = (Member)
OTMA exit name Specifies the name of the OTMA destination resolution user exit to be run by IMS. OTMACON = (Druexit)
OTMA interval Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that a user ID from IBM MQ is considered previously verified by IMS. OTMACON = (Age)
OTMA Tpipe name prefix Specifies the prefix to be used for Tpipe names. OTMACON = (Tpipepfx)
Defer index Specifies whether the queue manager restart completes before all indexes are built and defers building until later, or whether the queue manager waits until all indexes are built. Yes means that the queue manager restart completes before all indexes are built; No means that the queue manager restart waits until all indexes are built. QINDXBLD
Coded character set ID Specifies the coded character set identifier for the queue manager. QMCCSID
Queue sharing group name Specifies the name of the queue sharing group to which the queue manager belongs. (Not applicable.)
Data-sharing group name Specifies the name of the Db2® data-sharing group to which the queue manager is to connect. (Not applicable.)
Db2 name Specifies the name of the Db2 subsystem or group attachment to which the queue manager is to connect. (Not applicable.)
Db2 tasks Specifies the number of Db2 server tasks to use. (Not applicable.)
Db2 BLOB tasks Specifies the number of Db2 server tasks to be used for BLOBs. (Not applicable.)
Write RACF® audit records Specifies whether RACF audit records are written for RESLEVEL security checks that are performed during connection processing. Yes means that RACF audit records are written; No means that RACF audit records are not written. RESAUDIT
Routing code Specifies the list of z/OS routing codes for messages that are not sent in direct response to an MQSC command. There can be 1 - 16 entries in the list. ROUTCDE
Send accounting data to SMF Specifies whether IBM MQ sends accounting data to SMF automatically when the queue manager starts. Yes means that accounting data is sent automatically; No means that accounting data is not sent automatically. SMFACCT
Send statistics data to SMF Specifies whether IBM MQ sends statistics data to SMF automatically when the queue manager starts. Yes means that statistics data is sent automatically; No means that statistics data is not sent automatically. SMFSTAT
[Long Term Support]*SMF interval From IBM MQ for z/OS 9.2.0 to 9.2.2, specify the interval, in minutes from 0 to 1440, between consecutive gatherings of statistics. If you specify a value of zero, both statistics data and accounting data is collected at the SMF data collection broadcast. Changes to this parameter take effect when the current interval expires, unless the new interval is less than the unexpired portion of the current interval, in which case statistics are gathered immediately and the new interval then takes effect. STATIME
[MQ 9.2.4 Nov 2021]*SMF accounting interval minutes From IBM MQ for z/OS 9.2.4, specify the interval, in minutes from 0 to 1440, between consecutive gatherings of accounting data. A special value of -1 can be set to signify the use of the SMF statistics interval for accounting data.

If you specify a value of 0, accounting data is collected at the SMF data collection broadcast. You should set this value alongside SMF accounting interval seconds, or the seconds value defaults to 0.

Changes to this parameter take effect when the current interval expires, unless the new interval is less than the unexpired portion of the current interval, in which case accounting data is gathered immediately and the new interval then takes effect.

[MQ 9.2.4 Nov 2021]*SMF accounting interval seconds From IBM MQ for z/OS 9.2.4 specify the seconds portion of the ACCTIME interval as a value between 00 and 59. You should set this value alongside SMF accounting interval minutes or the minutes value defaults to 0.

Changes to this parameter take effect when the current interval expires, unless the new interval is less than the unexpired portion of the current interval, in which case accounting data is gathered immediately and the new interval then takes effect.

[MQ 9.2.4 Nov 2021]*SMF statistics interval minutes From IBM MQ for z/OS 9.2.4, specify the interval, in minutes from 0 to 1440, between consecutive gatherings of statistics data.

If you specify a value of 0, statistics data is collected at the SMF data collection broadcast. You should set this value alongside SMF statistics interval seconds or the seconds value defaults to 0.

If you want to use the SMF data collection broadcast interval, then ensure both this value and SMF statistics seconds are set to 0.

Changes to this parameter take effect when the current interval expires, unless the new interval is less than the unexpired portion of the current interval, in which case accounting data is gathered immediately and the new interval then takes effect.

[MQ 9.2.4 Nov 2021]*SMF statistics interval seconds From IBM MQ for z/OS 9.2.4, specify the seconds portion of the STATIME interval as a value between 00 and 59. You should set this value alongside SMF statistics interval minutes, or the minutes value defaults to 0.

Changes to this parameter take effect when the current interval expires, unless the new interval is less than the unexpired portion of the current interval, in which case accounting data is gathered immediately and the new interval then takes effect.

Trace classes Specifies the classes for which tracing is started automatically. TRACSTR
*Trace table size Specify the default size, in 4 KB blocks from 1 to 999, of trace table where the global trace facility stores IBM MQ trace records. Storage for the trace table is allocated in the ECSA so you must select this value with care. If there is any trace currently in effect, the existing trace table continues to be used, and its size is unchanged. A new global trace table is only obtained when trace is restarted. If a new trace table is created with insufficient storage, the old trace table continues to be used, and the message CSQW153E is displayed. TRACTBL
Cluster cache type Specifies the type of cluster cache. Static means that a static cluster cache is used; Dynamic means that a dynamic cluster cache is used. (Not applicable.)
WLM interval Specifies the time, in minutes, between scans of the queue index for WLM-managed queues. WLMTIME
WLM units Indicates whether WLM interval is in seconds or minutes. WLMTIMU
*Service parameter setting This parameter is reserved for use by IBM. SERVICE
Operation mode Shows the operation mode for the queue manager.

[MQ 9.2.0 Jul 2020]This keyword is no longer returned by IBM MQ 9.1 queue managers. It has been retained in IBM MQ Explorer for compatibility with IBM MQ 9.0, and earlier, queue managers.


[MQ 9.2.0 Jul 2020]For more information see DISPLAY SYSTEM in the IBM MQ 9.0 product documentation.

Security policies Indicates whether the security capabilities of Advanced Message Security are available. SPLCAP
Maximum ACE pool size (KB) The maximum size of the ACE storage pool in KB in the range 0 - 999 999. An ACE is required for each connected application, and some types of application require extra ACEs for processing. Internal queue manager threads also require them. The ACE storage pool is allocated in ECSA. For queue managers that use a large quantity of ECSA storage, the ECSA storage allocation grows linearly with the size of the ACE storage pool. A value of zero for this parameter means that there is no limit on the size of the ACE storage pool. In extreme circumstances, the ACE storage pool can use all of the available ECSA storage, resulting in a system outage for the LPAR. ACELIM