Disconnecting a queue manager from a publish/subscribe hierarchy

Disconnect a child queue manager from a parent queue manager in a publish/subscribe hierarchy.

About this task

Use the ALTER QMGR command to disconnect a queue manager from a broker hierarchy. You can disconnect a queue manager in any order at any time.

The corresponding request to update the parent is sent when the connection between the queue managers is running.




C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>runmqsc QM2
5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2024.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Starting MQSC for queue manager QM2.
    1 : alter qmgr parent('')
AMQ8005: IBM MQ queue manager changed.
    2 : display pubsub type(child)
AMQ8147: IBM MQ object  not found.
display pubsub type(parent)
    3 : display pubsub type(parent)
AMQ8147: IBM MQ object not found.

What to do next

You can delete any streams, queues and manually defined channels that are no longer needed.