For multiple silent installations, for each version that is installed you must find an
MSI instance ID that is available to use for that installation.
About this task
In order to support silent, or non-interactive, multiple installations, you need to find
out whether the instance ID you want to use is already in use or not and choose the appropriate one.
For each installation media (for example, each client and server), Instance ID 1 is the default ID
which is used for single installations. If you want to install alongside Instance ID 1 you need to
specify which instance you want to use. If you have already installed instance 1, 2, and 3 then you
need to find out what the next available instance is, for instance, Instance ID 4. Similarly, if
instance 2 has been removed, you need to find out that there is a gap that can be reused. You can
find out which Instance ID is currently in use by using the dspmqinst command.
Type dspmqinst to find a free MSI Instance in the media being installed by
reviewing the MSIMedia and MSIInstanceId values for the versions already installed. For
InstName: Installation1
Identifier: 1
InstPath: C:\Program Files\IBM\MQ
Primary: Yes
State: Available
MSIProdCode: {74F6B169-7CE6-4EFB-8A03-2AA7B2DBB57C}
MSIMedia: 9.0 Server
MSIInstanceId: 1
If MSI Instance ID 1 is in use and you want to use MSI Instance ID 2, the following parameters
must be added to the msiexec call:
MSINEWINSTANCE=1 TRANSFORMS=":instanceId7.mst;1033.mst"
What to do next
For multiple installations, the INSTALLATIONNAME or
PGMFOLDER must be supplied as an additional parameter on any non-interactive
installation command. Supplying the INSTALLATIONNAME or
PGMFOLDER ensures that you do not work with the wrong installation in case you
omit or incorrectly specify the TRANSFORMS parameter.