Protocol bridge properties file format

The ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file in the agent configuration directory defines properties for protocol file servers.

The ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file must conform to the ProtocolBridgeProperties.xsd schema. The ProtocolBridgeProperties.xsd schema document is located in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema directory of the Managed File Transfer installation. A template file, ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml, is created by the fteCreateBridgeAgent command in the agent configuration directory.

The ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file is periodically reloaded by the agent and any valid changes to the file will affect the behavior of the agent. The default reload interval is 30 seconds. This interval can be changed by specifying the agent property xmlConfigReloadInterval in the file.


The following schema describes the ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file.

[MQ 9.2.1 Dec 2020]If you do not use the attributes of:
  • maxActiveDestinationTransfers (global property)
  • maxActiveDestinationTransfers (individual server property)
  • failTransferWhenCapacityReached
managed file transfer processing continues in its current form, and the following schema does not change.
Attention: Both the source and destination protocol bridge agents must be at IBM® MQ 9.2.1, or later, to use the additional attributes.

[MQ 9.2.1 Dec 2020]See Changes to the sequence group, Changes to the limits group for changes these attributes make to the schema, and Scenarios and examples for limiting the number of file transfers to individual file servers for information on how the changes affect the working of the protocol bridge agent.

Note: The maxReconnectRetry and reconnectWaitPeriod attributes are not supported on IBM WebSphere® MQ 7.5, or on IBM WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition 7.0.2, or later.
<schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
	xmlns="" xmlns:tns="">

		Example: ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml
		<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<tns:serverProperties xmlns:tns=""
			<tns:credentialsFile path="$HOME/ProtocolBridgeCredentials.xml" />				  
		    <tns:defaultServer name="myserver" />
		    <tns:ftpServer name="myserver" host="" port="1234" platform="windows"
		         		   timeZone="Europe/London" locale="en-GB" fileEncoding="UTF-8"
		        		   listFormat="unix" limitedWrite="false" />
			<tns:sftpServer name="server1" host="" platform="windows"
		         		    fileEncoding="UTF-8" limitedWrite="false">
		    	<limits maxListFileNames="10" />

	<!-- Root element for the document -->
	<element name="serverProperties" type="tns:serverPropertiesType"></element>

		A container for all protocol bridge server properties
	<complexType name="serverPropertiesType">
			<element name="credentialsFile" type="tns:credentialsFileName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
			<element name="defaultServer" type="tns:serverName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
			<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
				<element name="ftpServer" type="tns:ftpServerType" />
				<element name="sftpServer" type="tns:sftpServerType" />
				<element name="ftpsServer" type="tns:ftpsServerType" />
				<element name="ftpsfgServer" type="tns:ftpsfgServerType" />
				<element name="ftpssfgServer" type="tns:ftpssfgServerType" />

		A container for a server name
	<complexType name="serverName">
		<attribute name="name" type="tns:serverNameType" use="required" />
		A container for a credentials file name
	<complexType name="credentialsFileName">
		<attribute name="path" type="string" use="required" />
		A container for all the information about an FTP server
	<complexType name="ftpServerType">
			<element name="limits" type="tns:generalLimitsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"  />
		<attributeGroup ref="tns:ftpServerAttributes"/>
        <attribute name="passiveMode" type="boolean" use="optional" />		
		A container for all the information about an SFG FTP server
	<complexType name="ftpsfgServerType">
			<element name="limits" type="tns:generalLimitsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"  />
		<attributeGroup ref="tns:ftpServerAttributes"/>
		A container for all the information about an SFTP server
	<complexType name="sftpServerType">
			<element name="limits" type="tns:sftpLimitsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"  />
		<attributeGroup ref="tns:sftpServerAttributes"/>
		A container for all the information about a FTPS server
	<complexType name="ftpsServerType">
			<element name="limits" type="tns:generalLimitsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"  />
		<attributeGroup ref="tns:ftpsServerAttributes"/>

		A container for all the information about a SFG FTPS server
	<complexType name="ftpssfgServerType">
			<element name="limits" type="tns:generalLimitsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"  />
		<attributeGroup ref="tns:ftpsServerAttributes"/>

		Attributes common to all server types
	<attributeGroup name="generalServerAttributes">
		<attribute name="name" type="tns:serverNameType" use="required" />
		<attribute name="host" type="string" use="required" />
		<attribute name="port" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="platform" type="tns:platformType" use="required" />
		<attribute name="fileEncoding" type="string" use="required" />
		<attribute name="limitedWrite" type="boolean" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="controlEncoding" type="string" use="optional" />
		Attributes common to ftp and ftps server types
	<attributeGroup name="ftpServerAttributes">
		<attributeGroup ref="tns:generalServerAttributes"/>
		<attribute name="timeZone" type="string" use="required" />
		<attribute name="locale" type="tns:localeType" use="required" />
		<attribute name="listFormat" type="tns:listFormatType" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="listFileRecentDateFormat" type="tns:dateFormatType" use="optional" />		
		<attribute name="listFileOldDateFormat" type="tns:dateFormatType" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="monthShortNames" type="tns:monthShortNamesType" use="optional" />
		Attributes common to ftps server types
	<attributeGroup name="ftpsServerAttributes">
		<attributeGroup ref="tns:ftpServerAttributes"/>
		<attribute name="ftpsType" type="tns:ftpsTypeType" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="trustStore" type="string" use="required" />
		<attribute name="trustStoreType" type="string" use="optional" />
	    <attribute name="keyStore" type="string" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="keyStoreType" type="string" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="ccc" type="boolean" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="protFirst" type="boolean" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="auth" type="string" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="connectTimeout" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/>
		A container for limit-type attributes for a server. Limit parameters
		are optional, and if not specified a system default will be used.
	<complexType name="generalLimitsType">
		<attributeGroup ref="tns:generalLimitAttributes"/>
	<complexType name="sftpLimitsType">
		<attributeGroup ref="tns:generalLimitAttributes"/>
		<attribute name="connectionTimeout" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" />
		Attributes for limits common to all server types
	<attributeGroup name="generalLimitAttributes">
		<attribute name="maxListFileNames" type="positiveInteger" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="maxListDirectoryLevels" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="maxReconnectRetry" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="reconnectWaitPeriod" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="maxSessions" type="positiveInteger" use="optional" />
		<attribute name="socketTimeout" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" />
		The type for matching valid server names. Server names must be at least 2 characters in length and 
		are limited to alphanumeric characters and the following characters: ".", "_", "/" and "%".
	<simpleType name="serverNameType">
        <restriction base="string">
            <pattern value="[0-9a-zA-Z\._/%]{2,}"/>
		The types of platform supported.
	<simpleType name="platformType">
		<restriction base="string">
		The type for matching a locale specification.
	<simpleType name="localeType">
        <restriction base="string">
            <pattern value="(..)[-_](..)"/>

		The types of list format supported (for FTP servers). 
	<simpleType name="listFormatType">
		<restriction base="string">
		Date format for FTP client directory listing on an FTP server. This is
		the format to be passed to methods setDefaultDateFormatStr and 
		setRecentDateFormatStr for Java class:
	<simpleType name="dateFormatType">
		<restriction base="string">
		A list of language-defined short month names can be specified. These are
		used for translating the directory listing received from the FTP server.
		The format is a string of three character month names separated by "|"
	<simpleType name="monthShortNamesType">
        <restriction base="string">
            <pattern value="(...\|){11}(...)"/>
		The enumerations of the allowed FTPS types: "implicit" & "explicit"
		If not specified the default is "explicit"
	<simpleType name="ftpsTypeType">
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="explicit"/>
            <enumeration value="implicit"/>
    	Attribute Group for SFTP Servers
    <attributeGroup name="sftpServerAttributes">
		<attributeGroup ref="tns:generalServerAttributes"/>
		<attribute name="cipherList" type="string" use="optional" />
[MQ 9.2.1 Dec 2020]

Changes to the sequence group

Following the additions of the maxActiveDestinationTransfers (global) and failTransferWhenCapacityReached attributes, the sequence group under ComplexType is as follows, with the changes shown in bold text:

	A container for all protocol bridge server properties
<complexType name="serverPropertiesType">
   <element name="credentialsFile" type="tns:credentialsFileName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
   <element name="credentialsKeyFile" type="tns:credentialsKeyFileName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
   <element name="maxActiveDestinationTransfers"
    type="tns:maxActiveDestinationTransfersValue" minOccurs="0" 
    maxOccurs="1" />
   <element name="failTransferWhenCapacityReached" 
   type="tns:failTransferWhenCapacityReachedValue" minOccurs="0"
   maxOccurs="1" />			
   <element name="defaultServer" type="tns:serverName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
   <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
	<element name="ftpServer" type="tns:ftpServerType" />
	<element name="sftpServer" type="tns:sftpServerType" />
	<element name="ftpsServer" type="tns:ftpsServerType" />
	<element name="ftpsfgServer" type="tns:ftpsfgServerType" />
	<element name="ftpssfgServer" type="tns:ftpssfgServerType" />

	A container for default value for maxActiveDestinationTransfers
<complexType name="maxActiveDestinationTransfersValue">
	<attribute name="value" type="positiveInteger" use="required" />

	A container for a boolean value to decide to fail a transfer if max capacity is reached
<complexType name="failTransferWhenCapacityReachedValue">	
	<attribute name="value" type="boolean" use="required" />
[MQ 9.2.1 Dec 2020]

Changes to the limits group

Following the addition of the maxActiveDestinationTransfers (individual server) attribute, the limits group is as follows, with the changes shown in bold text:

Attributes for limits common to all server types
<attributeGroup name="generalLimitAttributes">
  <attribute name="maxListFileNames" type="positiveInteger" 
  <attribute name="maxListDirectoryLevels" type="nonNegativeInteger"
  <attribute name="maxReconnectRetry" type="nonNegativeInteger"
  use="optional" />
  <attribute name="reconnectWaitPeriod" type="nonNegativeInteger"
  use="optional" />
  <attribute name="maxSessions" type="positiveInteger" use="optional" />
  <attribute name="socketTimeout" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" 
  <attribute name="connectionTimeout" type="nonNegativeInteger" 
  use="optional" />
  <attribute name="maxActiveDestinationTransfers" type="nonNegativeInteger" 
  use="optional" />
[MQ 9.2.1 Dec 2020]

Example XML file

	<tns:maxActiveDestinationTransfers value="5" />
	<tns:failTransferWhenCapacityReached value="true"/>
	<tns:defaultServer name="guestServer" />
	<tns:sftpServer name="guestServer" host="" port="22" 
	platform="unix" fileEncoding="UTF-8" limitedWrite="false">

	<tns:limits connectionTimeout="60" 
	<tns:sftpServer name="nixonServer" host="" port="22" 
	platform="unix" fileEncoding="UTF-8" limitedWrite="false">		
	<tns:limits connectionTimeout="60"/>
	<tns:sftpServer name="mySFTPserver" host="" 
	port="22" platform="unix" fileEncoding="UTF-8	limitedWrite="false"

	<tns:limits connectionTimeout="60" />


Understanding the ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file

The elements and attributes that are used in the ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file are described in the following list:
Root element of the XML document
Path to the file containing credentials. For IBM WebSphere MQ 7.5 or later, the value of this property can contain environment variables. For more information, see Environment variables in MFT properties
The protocol file server that acts as the default server for file transfers
An FTP file server
An SFTP file server
An FTPS file server
General server attributes that apply to all types of protocol file server:
Attribute Description
name Required. The name of the protocol file server. Protocol server names must be at least two characters in length, are not case-sensitive, and are limited to alphanumeric characters and the following characters:
  • period (.)
  • underscore (_)
  • forward slash (/)
  • percent sign (%)
host Required. The host name or IP address of the protocol file server that you want to send files to or receive files from.
port Optional. The port number of the protocol file server that you want to send files to or receive files from.
platform Required. The platform of the protocol file server that you want to send files to or receive files from. Specify either UNIX or WINDOWS.Set this property according to how you enter paths on your FTP, FTPS, or SFTP server. For example, if you are running an FTP server on Windows but when you log in to the server, you must enter UNIX-style paths (that is, with forward slashes), set this value to UNIX and not WINDOWS. Servers running on Windows often present a UNIX-style file system.
fileEncoding Required. Defines the character encoding that is used by the file server. This property is used when you transfer files in text mode so that the correct encoding sequences are changed when the files are moved between platforms. For example, UTF-8.
limitedWrite Optional. The default mode when writing to a file server is to create a temporary file and then rename that file when the transfer has completed. For a file server that is configured as write only, the file is created directly with its final name. The value of this property can be true or false. The default is false.
controlEncoding Optional. The control encoding value for control messages being sent to the protocol file server. This property affects the encoding of the file name that is used and must be compatible with the control encoding of the protocol file server. The default is UTF-8.
General attributes that apply to FTP and FTPS servers only:
Attribute Description
timeZone Required. The time zone of the protocol file server that you want to send files to or receive files from. For example: America/New_York or Asia/Tokyo.
locale Required. The language that is used on the protocol file server that you want to send files to or receive files from. For example: en_US or ja_JP
listFormat Optional. The listing format that defines the format of the file-listed information that is returned from the protocol file server. Use either Windows or UNIX. The default is UNIX.
listFileRecentDateFormat Optional. The recent date format (less than a year) for FTP client directory listing on an FTP server. This attribute and the listFileOldDateFormat attribute allow you to redefine the expected date formats that are returned by the protocol file server. The default is as defined by the protocol file server.
listFileOldDateFormat Optional. The old date format (more than a year) for FTP client directory listing on an FTP server. This attribute and the listFileRecentDateFormat attribute allow you to redefine the expected date formats that are returned by the protocol file server. The default is as defined by the protocol file server.
monthShortNames Optional. A replacement list of month names that are used to decode date information returned from the protocol file server. This property consists of a list of 12 comma-separated names to override the default locale month values. The default is as defined by the protocol file server.
General attributes that apply to FTP servers only:
Attribute Description
passiveMode Optional. Controls whether the connection to the FTP server is passive or active.

If you set the value of this property to false, the connection is active. If you set the value to true, the connection is passive. The default is false.

General attributes that apply to FTPS servers only:
Attribute Description
ftpsType Optional. Specifies whether the explicit or implicit form of the FTPS protocol is used. The default is explicit.
trustStore Required. The location of the truststore that is used to determine whether the certificate presented by the FTPS server is trusted.
trustStoreType Optional. The format of the truststore file. The default is JKS.
keyStore Optional. The location of the keystore that is used to provide certificate information if challenged by the FTPS server. The default is for the protocol bridge to not be able to connect to FTPS servers that are configured to require the authentication of clients.
keyStoreType Optional. The format of the keystore file. The default is JKS.
ccc Optional. Selects whether a clear (unencrypted) command channel is used when authentication has completed. The default value is false, which means that the command channel remains encrypted for the entire duration of the FTPS session. This attribute is applicable only when the ftpsType is set to explicit.
protFirst Optional. Specifies whether the USER/PASS commands are issued to the FTPS server before or after the PBSZ/PROT commands. The default value is false, which means USER/PASS commands are sent first followed by PBSZ/PROT commands. This attribute is applicable only when the ftpsType is set to explicit.
auth Optional. Specifies the protocol that is specified as part of the AUTH command. A specified protocol will be tried first, then the default is to try TLS, SSL, TLS-C, or TLS-P until the FTPS server does not reject with a 504 reply code. This attribute is applicable only when the ftpsType is set to explicit.
Container element for attributes that are common to all types of server and for attributes that are specific to a type of server:
General limit attributes that apply to all types of protocol file server:
Attribute Description
maxListFileNames Optional. The maximum number of names that are collected when scanning a directory on the protocol file server for file names. The default is 999999999.
maxListDirectoryLevels Optional. The maximum number of directory levels on the protocol server to recursively scan for file names. The default is 1000.

(This attribute is now deprecated.)

Deprecated. This attribute is not supported on IBM WebSphere MQ 7.5, or on IBM WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition 7.0.2, or later.

Optional. The maximum number of times a protocol server tries to reconnect before the protocol bridge agent stops trying. The default is 2.


(This attribute is now deprecated.)

Deprecated. This attribute is not supported on IBM WebSphere MQ 7.5, or on IBM WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition 7.0.2 or later.

Optional. The time period, in seconds, to wait to before attempting to reconnect. The default is 10 seconds.

maxSessions Optional. The maximum number of sessions for the protocol server. This number must be greater than or equal to the sum of the maximum number of source and destination transfers for the protocol bridge agent. The default is the sum of the values for the agent properties maxSourceTransfers, maxDestinationTransfers, and maxCommandHandlerThreads, plus 1. If these three properties are using their default values of 25, 25, and 5, the maxSessions default is then 56.
socketTimeout Optional. The socket timeout in seconds. The value of this attribute is used during file streaming. The default is 30 seconds.
[MQ 9.2.1 Dec 2020]maxActiveDestinationTransfers (global property) Optional. Used to specify the global value, to limit the number of active transfers for each destination *ftp* endpoint. This is a non-zero positive integer with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1.

maxActiveDestinationTransfers requires the use of an AttributeName.

[MQ 9.2.1 Dec 2020]maxActiveDestinationTransfers (individual server level) Optional. Used to specify the limit of the number of active transfers for each destination *ftp* endpoint. This is a non-negative integer.

This property can be utilized by any of the three servers, and if specified, this value overrides the global value of maxActiveDestinationTransfers for that endpoint server.

The value of this property cannot exceed the value of maxDestinationTransfers. If you exceed this value, the protocol bridge agent assumes that this value is not set and processes the managed transfers in the standard existing flow. Message BFGSS0088W is logged in the output0.log file.
Attention: It is possible to over commit the new maxActiveDestinationTransfers properties. That is, you can have the sum of maxActiveDestinationTransfers for all the endpoints greater than the value of maxDestinationTransfers. You must consider whether this feature is appropriate for your enterprise.
[MQ 9.2.1 Dec 2020]failTransferWhenCapacityReached (global property) Optional. This is a non-zero positive integer with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1.

failTransferWhenCapacityReached requires the use of an AttributeName.

Applies to both maxDestinationTransfers and maxActiveDestinationTransfers and can be used to specify whether to fail a protocol bridge agent transfer in the following cases:
  • When the total number of active transfers for an endpoint server exceeds the maxDestinationTransfers count, the two possible conditions are:
    failTransferWhenCapacityReached = false
    Takes the standard existing route of handling the managed transfers.
    failTransferWhenCapacityReached = true
    Fails the transfer if the total number of active transfers is greater than maxActiveTransfers
  • When the total number of active transfers for an endpoint server exceeds the maxActiveDestinationTransfers count, the two possible values are:
    failTransferWhenCapacityReached = false
    The default value which applies if maxActiveDestinationTransfers is not set.
    Once the number of active transfers for an endpoint server exceeds the maxActiveDestinationTransfers value, the next managed transfer to that particular endpoint server is rejected and moved to a new state called WaitingForDestinationFileServerCapacity by the protocol bridge agent.
    Source agents then handle this state in the same way as they currently do for managed transfers that go into a WaitingForDestinationCapacity state; that is, wait for a period of time before contacting the destination agent again.
    failTransferWhenCapacityReached = true
    Once the number of active transfers for an endpoint server exceeds maxActiveDestinationTransfers value, the next managed transfer to that particular endpoint server is rejected and marked as failed by the protocol bridge agent.
Limit attribute that applies to SFTP servers only:
Attribute Description
connectionTimeout Optional. The time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the protocol file server to a connection request. A timeout indicates that the protocol file server is not available. The default value is 30 seconds.

Optional. Specifies a comma-separated list of ciphers that are used to communicate between the protocol bridge agent and the SFTP server. The ciphers are called in the order that they are specified in this list. The cipher must be available on the server and the client before it can be used.

The ciphers that the protocol bridge agent supports are as follows:
  • blowfish-cbc
  • 3des-cbc
  • aes128-cbc
  • aes192-cbc
  • aes256-cbc
  • aes128-ctr
  • aes192-ctr
  • aes256-ctr
  • 3des-ctr
  • arcfour
  • arcfour128
  • arcfour256

By default, the list of ciphers used by protocol bridge agents is aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc.