Configuring the coordination queue manager for MFT
After running the fteSetupCoordination command, run the coordination_qmgr_name.mqsc script in the MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft/config/coordination_qmgr_name directory to perform the necessary configuration for the coordination queue manager. However, if you want to do this configuration manually, complete the following steps on the coordination queue manager.
About this task
- Create a local queue named SYSTEM.FTE.
- Add the SYSTEM.FTE queue to the SYSTEM.QPUBSUB.QUEUE.NAMELIST namelist.
- Create a topic named SYSTEM.FTE with a topic string of SYSTEM.FTE.
- Ensure the Non-persistent message delivery (NPMSGDLV) and Persistent messages delivery (PMSGDLV) attributes of the SYSTEM.FTE topic are set to ALLAVAIL.
- Ensure the Publish/Subscribe mode (PSMODE) attribute of the coordination queue manager is set to ENABLED.
What to do next
If you run the
strmqm -c
command on a queue manager that has been configured as
a coordination queue manager, the command deletes the change made in step 2 (adding the SYSTEM.FTE queue to the
SYSTEM.QPUBSUB.QUEUE.NAMELIST namelist). This is because strmqm -c
re-creates the
default IBM® MQ objects and reverses the Managed File Transfer changes. Therefore, if you have started the queue
manager with strmqm -c
, complete either one of the following steps: - Run the coordination_qmgr_name.mqsc script on the queue manager again.
- Repeat step 2.