
Setting up the client using IBM MQ Explorer on Linux

You can use IBM® MQ Explorer to define the client-connection if you are setting up the client and server on the same workstation on a Linux® system.


  1. Select the queue manager, QUEUE.MANAGER.1
  2. Open the Channels folder, then right-click Client Connections > New > Client-connection Channel...
  3. Enter the channel name, CHANNEL1, for the client connection, and click Next.
  4. Enter the queue manager name, QUEUE.MANAGER.1
  5. Enter the following string as the connection name:
     server-address (port)
    • server-address is the TCP/IP host name of the server
    • port is the TCP/IP port number the server is listening on
  6. Click Finish.
  7. From the command line, set the MQCHLLIB environment variable:
    Enter the following command:
    export MQCHLLIB=var/mqm/qmgrs/QUEUE!MANAGER!1/@ipcc
    Note: The queue manager name contains .. IBM MQ creates the queue manager directory with the name, QUEUE!MANAGER!1

What to do next

Use the sample programs to test communication between the client and server. See Testing communication between a client and a server on Linux.