Receiving on TCP
Receiving channel programs are started in response to a startup request from the sending channel. To respond to the startup request, a listener program has to be started to detect incoming network requests and start the associated channel. You start this listener program with the STRMQMLSR command.
The qm.ini file is located in
this IFS directory: /QIBM/UserData/mqm/qmgrs/ queue manager name. This new value is read only when the TCP listener is started. If you have a listener already running, this change is not be seen by that program. To use the new value, stop the listener and issue the STRMQMLSR command again. Now, whenever you use the STRMQMLSR command, the listener defaults to the new port.
STRMQMLSR MQMNAME( queue manager name ) PORT(2500)
This change makes
the listener default to the new port for the duration of the listener job. Using the TCP SO_KEEPALIVE option
Select option 3 (Change TCP Attributes). You can now specify a time interval in minutes. You can specify a value in the range 1 through 40320 minutes; the default is 120.
Using the TCP listener backlog option
When receiving on TCP, a maximum number of outstanding connection requests is set. This number can be considered a backlog of requests waiting on the TCP port for the listener to accept the request.
The default listener backlog value on IBM® i is 255. If the backlog reaches this value, the TCP connection is rejected and the channel is not able to start.
For MCA channels, this results in the channel going into a RETRY state and retrying the connection at a later time.
For client connections, the client receives an MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE reason code from MQCONN and can retry the connection at a later time.
ListenerBacklog = n
This overrides the default maximum number of
outstanding requests (255) for the TCP listener.